domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

plaid & pink

We've been having another week of unusually warm weather. Probably it looks like good news, but it's becoming a problem, the drought is affecting the harvests, and everybody is worried about the water shortage. Sunshine is not particularly welcome nowadays.
I'm still wearing some summery clothes, a minimum layering and some light coats. It's really strange not having to wear a coat or a pair of boots!

Hemos tenido otra semana de tiempo inusualmente bueno. Puede que suene como una buena noticia, pero está convirtiéndose en un problema, la sequía afecta a las cosechas, y todo el mundo se preocupa por la escasez de agua. Los días soleados no son especialmente bienvenidos ahora mismo!
Todavía llevo ropa veraniega, superposiciones al mínimo, y abriguitos ligeros. Resulta rarísimo no tener que echar mano del abrigo, ni de unas botas siquiera!

- leggings, ebay
- tunic, custom made (old) / túnica, hecha a medida
- neckerchief, Dayaday (sales) / pañuelo
- maryjanes, Clarks (old) / merceditas
- coat, clearance sale / abrigo, de liquidación

5 comentarios:

  1. It's been quite mild in the UK too which is lovely especially after a dull Summer but droughts are certainly not good for the harvests.
    Love the combination of plaid and pink and love even more the pattern mixing with the leggings!

  2. We're having unseasonably warm weather here too, and indeed it feels strange to still be wearing Summer clothes this time of year! It's not good news when the droughts is effecting the harvests, though! I love the blue plaid leggings combined with the pink tones of the tunic. Great colour and pattern combination! Besos xxx

  3. Fun transitional outfit! Love this coat, how wonderful to catch it on clearance. I also got a plaid coat on clearance last Summer - the last coat of that kind, which was my size too. :)

    I am wishing you a refreshing rain! Heat and drought are not such good friends, for sure. Lots of love!

  4. We're having hot weather, too - very odd but I like it!
    Gorgeous tunic and fab outfit. xxx

  5. Nice pattern mixing in this outfit. It seems to be unseasonably warm so many places, and I understand that people are enjoying having warm weather longer, when it leads to droughts, fires, etc. it's not a good thing. Global Warming is a very real concern, even if the President of the United States doesn't agree.
