Today I'm feeling specially Visible, because I'm back to work after my (short) holidays, and wearing orange-mustard and red!. There's something so appealing to me in Red and Orange combo!, and my day usually cheers up when wearing my little red beret and some red lipstick!
Hoy tengo un día especialmente Visible, ya que vuelvo de las vacaciones, y en tonos naranja-mostaza y rojo!. Esta combinación de Naranja y Rojo me atrae especialmente, y además, normalmente el día se anima un montón si me pongo mi boinita roja y lápiz de labios a tono!.
- red pants, Festa (old) / pantalón rojo
- sleeveless shirt, Luna Llena (old) / blusa sin mangas, antigüita
- sandals, Brako / sandalias
- sarong as a shawl, flea market / pareo como chal, de mercadillo
- little red beret, present, by Démo / boinita roja, regalo, obra de Démo
- bag, C&A (last summer) / bolso, del verano pasado
Not Dead Yet Style would cheer you to show any outfit that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible!
Esta convocatoria de Not Dead Yet Style puede animaros a lucir un conjuntito que os haga sentir confianza, vitalidad y sobre todo, que os haga Visibles!
You are visible indeed, and individual in your fab red beret and colorful blouse! Thanks so much for linking up to Visible Monday.
ResponderEliminarthank you for cheer us to be Visible!!
EliminarThis is a fun outfit and you are rocking it! I love the red and orange.
ResponderEliminarthanks dear lady!, glad you like it!
EliminarYowza! You know how to go back to work in style! Beautiful vivid colors.
ResponderEliminarMuy guapa, me encanta esa combinación de colores tan alegres.
How was your holidays? I hope you enjoyed yourself.
ResponderEliminarI love the little beret, it is very amusing :)
Fantastic combination of colour! You'll never be invisible, you are far too fabulous. x