Actually it was funny going backwards on time and picking my favorites. I've just chosen the most appealing color combos for me just now, there's not an outfit per month, nor any stable criterion!
Wish you enjoy it!
Siempre hay una primera vez para todo, y este es mi primer resumen anual del blog. Mis únicas excusas son mi habitual egolatría (tengo un blog, ya sabéis!?) y que no tengo ni una mísera foto nueva que enseñaros. No he estado muy pendiente del blog estos días (¡lo siento!) y se me ha olvidado por completo sacarme fotos de cualquier cosa que llevase, ocupada en lo que suele llamarse Vida Real!.
En realidad, ha sido divertido ir hacia atrás en el tiempo y elegir mis favoritas. Creo que he elegido simplemente las combinaciones de colores que más me han gustado ahora mismo, ni siquiera hay una foto por mes, ni nada de criterios formales!.
Espero que os guste.
Feliz 2013, mi favorita es la segunda¡¡
ResponderEliminarWhat always strikes me, and inspires, is your use of color in addition to keeping with a funky creative style. You definitely have a knack for it!
ResponderEliminarNice to see some of these which I haven't seen in a blog post before. Love that long skirt with the art on it and the fur leopard print vest!
Happy Happy New Year Senora!
Happy New Year, my fabulous and colourful friend! You always bring a smile to my face with your wicked sense of humour and fantastic style! Happy 2013! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ResponderEliminarHappy New Year, sweetheart!!!
ResponderEliminarYay, your favourites are my favourites! I love how you rock colour!
Only Poirot needs "the order and the method to make the grey cells work properly" - I don't know any outrageously gorgeous, sassy and fun tarts that need to follow his way. So it makes me so happy that you are living your real life to the full, taking pics only when you feel like it, and picking random pics that you love from 2012 to show us! Happy New Year Mrs A!! xo
ResponderEliminarAdorable y única.
ResponderEliminarte abrazo y deseo todo lo mejor en el 2013.
oh my such awesome style!! the fur vest is amazing and I've always loved the printed sarong skirt
ResponderEliminarHAPPY New year!!