miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

parcels of joy

Rain is still pouring down, so it's time to share something different. I've received some parcels of joy last week and I'm still enthusiastic about them, so awesome (and undeserved) presents!

Sigue lloviendo a mares, así que es buen momento para compartir algo diferente. Como he recibido unos paquetes tan maravillosos en estas últimas semanas que aún me dura el entusiasmo, os enseño mis (muy inmerecidos) regalos.

A cookbook from Agatha Christie's stories and some other delightful books, some necklaces from the lovely 'El Taller de Cristina' and a pair of brooches. And what's more, that old chair is a present from my mom!

Un libro con recetas de las novelas de Agatha Christie y algunos otros libros deliciosos, unos collares del encantador 'Taller de Cristina' y un par de broches. Y además, esta silla que me ha regalado mi madre!

Mrs. D sent me this purple crochet collar and a pretty card, really cute!

Mrs. D me envió este cuello de ganchillo, ¡morado! y esta tarjeta tan monísima!

9 comentarios:

  1. I looove your blog just discovered it and spent the afternoon looking thru it while stay indoors out of the heat. I love your hand crotched cardigan and wondered if you use a pattern and which one...I do a lot of sewing and a little crotcheting but do not have the patience to knit. I see your cardigan would fill holes in my winter wardrobe. I think your style is gorgeous and you are gorgeous..xx

    1. thank you for your visit & comment!
      I don't use a 'pattern' to crochet any cardigan, I just use another cardigan as a model. My secret is that I crochet both sleeves directly on the armholes, adjusting them while crocheting. It's not as difficult as it sounds!

    2. I'm not as clever as you and would need a pattern I will search on the web for one. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Keep up the great work I look forward to seeing your outfits.

  2. Bueno, la silla es increííble!!!

  3. El libro de cocina de Agatha me ha dejado ko..... necesito verlo!!!!

  4. Te va a encantar el libro de cocina de Agatha Christie. Yo lo tengo:
    Ahora estoy muy interesada en cuentos, ¿qué libro es el de la portada con un gato?

  5. No hay nada como un paquete para alegrar un día lluvioso.
    Aquí aún esperamos la lluvia.
    Un abrazo fuerte, fuerte siempre.

  6. I'm so glad you liked the little collar :)
    Much love to you!

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