Estaba deseando ponerme estos pantalones nuevos y el tiempo no me estaba ayudando nada, como de costumbre. Pero de pronto ayer salió el sol y aproveché el momento de lucir pantalón tropical y parecer una turista más en la ciudad. Me los puse para ir al trabajo por la mañana, luego fui a hacer unos recados, y cuando volví a casa me dí cuenta de que estaban todos descosidos por detrás. Lo que más me preocupa no es haber ido enseñando las braguitas (creo que nadie me vio!), sino poder arreglar el desperfecto, porque estos pantalones me gustan de verdad. Ahora me voy a intentar que me los cambien o me devuelvan la pasta, deseadme suerte!

- very old t-shirt, October / camiseta antigüita
- bracelets, Sfera and flea markets / pulseras, de mercadillo y Sfera
- necklace, Sfera (old) / collar
- jacket, La Redoute (cropped) / chaqueta recortada, La Redoute
- sandals, Wonders (last summer sales) / sandalias, del verano pasado, rebajadas
- bag, retail / bolso
- sunnies, Asos / gafas de sol
Have a nice weekend!
¡Que tengáis un buen fin de semana!
Those pants are gorgeous! You look fabulous, I love colorful outfits. Looks like it's still not so hot where you are. Here in Sicily it's getting warmer but today it was very windy, and the wind was still quite chilly.
ResponderEliminarOh no! I'm sure everyone was delighted to catch a cheeky glimpse of your knickers, but what a shame those wonderful trousers ripped, the tropical print is just beautiful.
ResponderEliminarI love your jewellery as always, especially that ring. And the hot pink bag and scarf are perfect.
Have a lovely weekend! xxxx
No se puede ser maravillosa,ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm Ne na+matas de gusto.
ResponderEliminarQué maravilla amiga mía.
Mil besos e inspiración
Jaja me ha gustado lo de parecer una turista en la ciudad, si te gustan mucho una modista igual te los arregla :-)
ResponderEliminarI bet nobody minded a glimpse of your knickers, you gorgeous gal! Those trousers are incredible, so glad you got some sunshine so you could rock them! Besos! xxxx
ResponderEliminarHola guapa, me encanta el estampado de los pantalones, pero vaya mala suerte no?? D donde son??
ResponderEliminarUn besito!
Oh wow, those trousers are so gorgeous, how disappointing that they ripped. I hope you get some kind of refund from the shop because new items should not do this! Your sandals and bangles go really nicely with this outfit.
ResponderEliminarWhat?????? Oh no!!!!!!!!!! And that is such a glorious outfit from top-to-toe!!! Those pants are amazing, but honestly do people take no pride in making beautiful clothes that are good quality as well these days? I'm lusting after your necklace and your t-shirt! xoxoxo
ResponderEliminarToo bad about the pants! They're sooo groovy too. love your outfit as always. the beads are sensational. x0
ResponderEliminarSenora--I hope they give you a refund!!
ResponderEliminarThey are FABULOUS, however!! could you find a similar fabric and pattern and make yourself a pair??
lo tropical es lo más ahora mismo
ResponderEliminarSuerte con la devolució te la hacen revisa bien antes de salir de la tienda.
ResponderEliminarEstás estupenda.
Mrs. Allnut, how sad that the gorgeous pants ripped! I love their floral print--so summery and colorful! I hope they give you a refund or at the very least, a new pair of pants! I also love the Asos sunnies! You look great! :)
ResponderEliminarOh how sad, the pants have such a great print. Hope you can get another pair. Your sandals have a interesting design. Looking fine with the blue polish!
ResponderEliminarblue hue wonderland
What a disappointment about the rip!! These pants are so awesome - I hope there is another pair in stock or that the shop will repair them. Nothing like a good flashing though to remind us we're alive and capable of scandal!