Inspirada por la siempre fabulosa Lady Helga para llevar montones de púrpura y divertirme mucho!
- gauze dress, Festa (last summer sales) / vestido gasa, de las rebajas de verano del año pasado
- cardigan and trench, La Redoute / chaqueta punto y gabardina
- tights, HYD (old) / medias
- maryjanes, El Naturalista / merceditas
- bag, retail / bolso, detall
- crochet hairpin / horquilla de ganchillo
It's warm enough to wear this particular mixed prints combo which was in my mind for some time. And thanks to 52 Pick Me Up: Pattern Max at Spy Girl I've had a perfect ocassion to wear it and share!. You can see I'm captivated by hats and headpieces these days, not only because they're beautiful, but also because my hair is becoming unmanageable. I need a haircut and I'm going to make it done next week!
Llevaba pensando en esta mezcla de estampados en particular hace tiempo, y ahora el tiempo ya permite ponérmela, así que, gracias al reto de 52 Pick Me Up: Pattern Max at Spy Girl tengo la ocasión perfecta para compartirla. También podéis ver que los sombreros me tienen fascinada estos días, no sólo porque son chulos, sino porque mi pelo está entrando en una fase indomable. Necesito un corte de pelo, e iré la semana que viene sin falta!

Showing you I'm wearing not only mixed prints, but also uneven earrings.
Mostrando que no sólo llevo estampados distintos, sino también pendientes desparejados.

- old gingham tunic / túnica cuadritos vichy, antigüita
- plaid shirt, overdyed / camisa cuadros, sobreteñida
- leggings, Locaderremate
- cardigan, C&A (old) / chaqueta punto
- newsboy cap, a present / gorra de chicuelo, un regalo
- necklace, Dayaday / collar
- bag, retail / bolso, detall
- maryjanes, Hotter / merceditas
I love it all! Purple is my favourite colour and I love how you wear it, with your layers, colour and pattern mixes. I just love that cardigan and how it goes so well with so many of your outfits. I love your shoes too as Mary Janes are my favourite style and I love that you have coloured ones!
ResponderEliminarPurple is great; purple with mustard is even better! Gorgeous dress, and inspired layering. xxx
ResponderEliminarooooooh so much beautiful purple indeed! Helga has been looking fab in purple recently and my you are just an inspiration to me to get my purple on. I adore the mismatched earring look and your wonderful headwear! xoxoxox
ResponderEliminarPassionate and pulchritudinous in purple! Love all your combinations, Senora. I don't have a lot of purple in my wardrobe ... maybe I should get some!
ResponderEliminarI particularly admire your earring treatment. I've been thinking of wearing a single one, or a cuff, or a mismatched pair.
But it's been so long with long hair that I've lost my courage. You inspire!
Purple heaven doll, love it!! Purple has always been a colour I've quite loved, even if blue is my favourite. The purple suits you quite nicely too, goes well with your hair colour, love it. The earrings are marvellous. I hope you have a great weekend doll Xxx
ResponderEliminarI love the dress print, and the mix of purple and mustard is amazing, I have to try it ! The second outfit is bright as summer !
ResponderEliminarYou look so cute in that hat! I am getting rid of so much black from my wardrobe and since I love the same colors you do I'm getting great ideas!
ResponderEliminarSi es que eres una diosa en malva, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ResponderEliminarNo sé qué look me gusta más, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh TODOSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Hija con el muñeco= nieto me queda el tiempo justo, jajajja y mira que los padres se lo curran para no molestar, pero ya sabes...
Cómo va MR Allnut.?
A qué no sabes quien tiene la chaqueta roja de tu madre? Mi hija Rebecca, se enamoró de ella y ahora está en Berlín, jajajjaja
Te lo escribo todo aquí porque como lo deje para escribirte no llega nuncaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mil besossssssssssssss
Purple is GORGEOUS on you! I just adore the print dress, the necklace and the hat! xxx