Aunque soy muy de vestidos, he llevado pantalones casi todos los días de mi vida adulta. Creía que era cosa del pasado, pero me he dado cuenta de que todavía llevo muchos pantalones. Así que voy a compartir esta recapitulación de mis estilos favoritos.
1. floating pants
Jun2014, Oct2014, Ag2014
They fill two of my most beloved qualities when picking clothes: comfy & cool. Particularly if they've got some crazy print on them!. I think the key is to pick them long, really long, perfect when they cover your shoes. I've even revamped a pair or two, to gain some extra length, as you can see.
Los pantalones anchos cumplen dos de las cualidades que más me atraen cuando elijo una prenda: cómodo y genial. En especial si llevan un estampado estupendo!. Creo que la clave es que sean muy largos, perfectos cuando te cubren prácticamente el zapato. Incluso he tenido que arreglar algunos para obtener un poco de largura extra, como podéis ver.

2. ankle length pants
Usually, they're just 'normal' pants which run too short on me, but other times it's intentional. Proportions can be tricky, so I prefer skinny or straight legs. Wide short pants look really ridiculous on me.
Los pantalones de largo tobillero suelen ser pantalones normales que me vienen cortos, pero a veces es intencionado!. Las proporciones pueden causar problemas, así que prefiero que sean estrechos o rectos. Los pantalones anchos y cortos me quedan muy muy ridículos.
Jul2013, Apr2014, Jul2014

3. skinnies
As a huge fan of 80's, skinnies are my cup of tea, yes. I think they look better when worn with long t-shirts or tunics, so I'm used to save my shorter shirts to be worn with wide pants or skirts.
Como soy muy fan de los 80, los pantalones pitillo tienen un lugar en mi corazoncito. Creo que quedan mejor con camisetas largas o túnica, así que mis camisas más cortas las reservo para pantalón ancho o falda.
May2014, Nov2014, Dic2014
4. fun factor
I have a crush on original shapes, so some unusual style pants were included in my recap, just for fun. Dressing up is way better when there's some Fun Factor involved!
Me encantan los cortes y diseños originales, así que tenía que incluir algún estilo poco común, simplemente porque es divertido. Al fin, cuál es la gracia de todo esto si no nos divertimos?!
Sept2014, Jul2014, Jul2014
There's method (2)
There's method
My least favorite pant style: cropped. The look like crap on everybody, but for some reason they seem to be the middle aged woman's summer pant of choice. I wouldn't be caught dead in a pair.
ResponderEliminarmwahaha, amen, sister!
EliminarYou're so creative. My favorites here are the black and white outfit at the top, the fantastic purple jacket in the second set, the long mustard cardigan with the purple pants, and those harem pants!!
ResponderEliminarMe encantan los pantalones árabes. Es increíble cómo te han quedado los otros pantalones después de alargarlos. ¡Eres una artista!
ResponderEliminarBesos, Jasmine
Me gustaría tenerme tan estudiada como lo estás tu.... debería obligarme a hacerme un listado de sies y de noes.... la verdad.
ResponderEliminarGorgeous colours, as always. My favourites are the floaty pairs with bright prints (no surprise there!) xxx
ResponderEliminarYou have the best pants! Colourful pants are my favourite. And your unusually-shaped pants are wonderful. I'm also feeling a pull in that direction. And I like your concept of short shirt/big pants, long shirt/skinny pants. But with all these colours and patterns, you can do whatever you like.
ResponderEliminarYour trousers are fabulous, you've got wonderfully long longs and they really show them off. the printed ones are my forever favourite!
ResponderEliminarTotally agree with Thorne - cropped trousers (usually in beige, black or khaki) are hideous. They never look good but so many women wear them. A waste of an opportunity to look nice! xx
The June 2014 outfit is gorgeous - I would wear it instantly if I could get my hands on it! The colour of the shiny top makes my mouth water :-) The long trousers are very flattering, it creates such a harmonious figure. How clever to lengthen them. I agree with the other ladies - no cropped trousers. The wider ones are the worst. I can't see that anyone benefits from wearing them. Why were they ever invented?
ResponderEliminarLove your ensembles! I agree with you about long tunic over skinnies, and shorter tops with wide pants. Seems so logical and clear, and classy. Though, come to think of it, I did both of those types of pants the other way around too - is it a creative attitude or insensitive eye for proportions on my part, who knows. I think after a few years living in dark blue jeans, I just want it all in all possible variations, that must be it! :)) I wore cropped pants too - colorful, beige, I had them all and loved them! Who knew they are such a no-no! :)))
ResponderEliminarYour olive green pants are just wonderful - such a unique piece! xxx
You've made such beautiful ensembles. I love them all! The wide legged, printed and unusual are my favourite. Xo Jazzy Jack
ResponderEliminarCropped pants seem to be the default warm weather outfit for women over 40 around here, and they are not flattering on anyone!!! A little dress or skirt would be soooo much more attractive.
ResponderEliminarI prefer wearing skirts but when I do wear pants, I prefer ones that have an unusual or exaggerated shape. Regular pants don't fit me very well (large waist, no hips, no butt). I like your green ones with the skirt-like wrap and those black and white ones.
You always look marvellous :) x