I'm still absorbed into a maelstrom of building works, estimates and some second hand purchases, and I've been also painting walls and fighting against some minor electrical inconveniences (lamps are evil!). I don't like to neglect my blogging activities, as I miss you, but that's going to take me some time!.
Debido a mi absoluta falta de fotos que compartir, he decidido mejor compartir una remezcla de cosas que llevé el invierno pasado, todas ellas conjuntando una chaqueta de rayas, que es una de mis prendas favoritas estos días. Es una chaqueta muy cómoda y colorida, que fue descartada por Mr.A. porque se le quedó estrecha y corta (aunque la lavásemos con cuidado!) así que la reformé para poder ponérmela.
Aún estoy metida en la vorágine de las obras, presupuestos y algunas adquisiciones de segunda mano, y también he estado pintando paredes y luchando a brazo partido contra inconvenientes eléctricos (lámparas malignas!!). No me gusta dejar descuidado el bloguear, y os echo de menos, pero todo esto me va a llevar algún tiempo!.

Winter Colors

Multicolor Scarf

Red Winter
What lovely colourful outfits and so stylish!
ResponderEliminarMr A must be a fashionista too, if he wears lovely bright stripy tops like the one you commandeered!
Have agreat weekend
Veronica beat me to it. Men have such dull clothes usually.
ResponderEliminarThis is amazing and looks great revamped too!
I would wear it for sure.
All the best with the renovations. You will love the end result.
Xo Jazzy Jack
We are eagerly waiting your return.
ResponderEliminarIn the meantime, thank you for this recap...it is great to see some great colour-pops again.
Túcuidate de la casa que nosotras te esperamos.
ResponderEliminarTe echo de menos, pero siento tu color y tus calor.
Mil besos
Winter never looked so good! I love all these colours in one blast.
ResponderEliminarI'm glad you're making progress on your place. The end of renovations is getting closer and closer.
A fantastic recap, even if I've seen your outfits before I love seeing them again. You are always so colourful, fun and inventive. xxx
ResponderEliminarYou are a ray of sunshine! But wait a minute... this striped jacked used to belong to Mr A? He must be an adventurous dresser! What a fantastic jacket! Lucky you that it got a bit snug for him. Good luck with all the work!
ResponderEliminarI LOVE the fact that the jacket belonged to Mr A! Of course it did. You are one bright and colourful couple! My Tall Brown Fox would never wear anything as adventurous as that! Lovely to have a recap and I hope you get everything sorted soon and are back with us.