Even under a coat, jackets and cardigans add an interesting layer of color, and accessories do the rest!.
I'm also very inspired by this magnificent post: 'How to wear summer dresses in cool weather' at Mispapelicos, which is really fabulous!!
I’ve recapped some old pics where I layered my summer pants into no-summery outfits, wish you enjoy them!
Hay una manera de sacarle partido al armario que me gusta mucho, y es ponerse ropa de verano durante todo el año. La superposición es la clave, evidentemente, así que suelo llevar medias (gordas) bajo esos vestidos y túnicas ligeros, o pantalones satinados. Porque me he dado cuenta de que no todos los tejidos me valen para llevarlos así, los que mejor van son los satinados, porque se deslizan sobre las medias, y además te dan ese toque flotante. Son lo más cómodo!.
Incluso debajo del abrigo, las chaquetas de cualquier tipo siempre añaden una capa más de color, y los accesorios hacen el resto!
Y también me ha inspirado mucho este post tan magnífico de 'How to wear summer dresses in cool weather' en Mispapelicos, que es fabulosísimo!
He hecho un resumen de ocasiones en que he llevado mis pantalones de verano de forma no veraniega, espero que os guste!

November 15

January 15

June 15

Aug2015 and Oct2015
What a great recap! I love your crazy print trousers all year round. xxx
ResponderEliminarLovely layers and so colourful! I really liked your purple hair in the first two photos. Absolutely beautiful.
That was a mistake! Your PINK hair, I meant!
ResponderEliminarmwahaha, thank you, you're very kind!
EliminarImagine, Monica, I am from Siberia, and I don't even know about thermal tights! I used to wear tights and a special kind of leggings when I lived there. When I moved, I did not even buy tights for many years - a huge climate change, and I so enjoyed living without tights and hats. I started buying tights (and hats!) just recently. I will have to explore thermal tights, thanks for sharing your tips. I really enjoyed your post. The outfit with a yellow cardi and blue floral pants is my fave! :)
ResponderEliminarYou are amazing! What fabulous outfits! I love your hair - it's so fun!
ResponderEliminarMe encanta como le sacas provecho a esa piezas. Sabes combinarlas muy bien. Yo nunca he vivido un invierno pero ya se que hacer con tu ejemplo.
ResponderEliminarNos podemos seguir mutuamente?
muy lindo tu blog, te sigo!
EliminarThis is such a great idea and I admit I don't do it.
ResponderEliminarYour bright pants make me smile. I'm sure they do the same for those you meet.
Yay!! For those thermals.
ResponderEliminarYou know I am a fan of that trick, Monica.
There is nothing quite like a cheerful and colourful outfit on a cold and miserable day.
These looks are the perfect antidote to all of that winter black!
Love it.
You've been an inspiration to wear my thermals with attitude!, and you're right: dressing up in a colorful outfit can cheer up your day!