Esta semana las temperaturas han caído desde los 38ºC a los 20ºC de máxima, algo realmente chocante. Ahora está bastante fresco, así que llevar alguna superposición es buena idea, lo cual me encanta. No me han encantado tanto los 13ºC que hacía esta mañana, porque me puse sandalias (tampoco fue la mejor decisión). Y luego un poquito de lluvia para arreglarlo.

- pants, Festa (new) / pantalón
- t-shirt, swapped / camiseta, de intercambio con una amiga
- sandals, El Naturalista (old) / sandalias
- cardi, La Redoute (old) / chaqueta
- parrots bag, Eme (old) / bolso, de Eme (old)
- some vintage bracelets (80's?), a papier maché bracelet, another carved one (Sfera, very old) / unos brazaletes vintage?, uno de papel maché, otro tallado que compré en el Sfera hace siglos.
My physiotherapist is so nice than he let me chose my ankle bandage color!. Now I can walk (slowly) and it's so good to return to 'business as usual'
Mi fisioterapeuta es tan majo que me dió a elegir el color de la sujeción para el tobillo!. Ahora ya puedo andar, aunque sea despacio, y es tan estupendo poder volver a la vida normal!
This is my table, aka disaster area, with some of the projects which have kept me busy. I'm making more papier maché bracelets, more brooches, more sewing too (gingham galore!). Lots of fun, even if some projects didn't work as it was expected!
Esta es mi mesa (también conocida como 'área de desastre') con algunos de los proyectos que me han mantenido entretenida. Estoy haciendo más brazaletes de papel maché, más broches, y más costura también (cuadros vichy para aburrir!). Diversión total, aunque muchos de los proyectos no resulten como se esperaba!
We're sharing weather again! It's so cold here, not at all like July should be. My tan will be gone before I've had a chance to show it off!
ResponderEliminarYour outfit is glorious, those trousers are stunning and brilliantly layered with that tie-dyed vest and all your wonderful bangles.
I can't wait to see the bangles you're creating. I'm inspired already! xxx
I admit that I much prefer temperatures between 20 - 25 degrees celsius than anything higher. I would rather be able to incorporate interesting layers into an outfit than just wear a sleeveless dress. I really like those pants. Your "disaster area" doesn't look much like a disaster to me - it's so tidy! Nice work on the bangle bracelets.
ResponderEliminarI'm not a fan of 30°C and more, but 13°C is really atrocious this time of year, isn't it? We had the same drop in temperature in Wales! You have been layering up quite nicely, though, in spite of the wrong choice of footwear ;-) Good to hear you can now walk again, albeit slowly. Your papier maché bangles are looking great. You should see my "disaster area" though! I'd never dare to show it on my blog ... xxx
ResponderEliminarI love, love, love those trousers! They look fab on you. Wonderful accessories too and you make bracelets and brooches as well! I hope they weren't one of the less successful projects.
ResponderEliminarNo, sandals and rain don't mix - you slip and slide about in them and in fact it becomes quite treacherous to walk in the rain...
Love your tropical inspired outfit (cute purse!) - you look gorgeous! So happy to hear that you are able to start walking! And I've never seen such colorful bandages! That's a big temperature drop, but I hope you found the change refreshing. What an unusually cold Summer in Europe this year!
ResponderEliminarI adore your creative work area, with Iris Apfel watching over you! Your bangles look wonderful, I noticed the big red/blue/orange one - it's one of new ones, yes? Love it! Creativity is all about improvisation, so it's OK to get results we don't expect - at times I think they are blessings!
Lots of love!