Keeping it Real, I took more pictures in a foggy morning (putting my camera on a bench and using a timer). The weather was so unpleasant that the park was deserted, so I could do my 'business' without being stared at. The things that we girls do for our blog! ;DD
I've been wearing same shearling coat and same bag (and scarf) because it makes my life easier. Even if I love different accessories, switching between bags is time consuming. When I plan my outfits in advance, I try to keep wearing same bag as many days as possible. And one of the things I miss about summertime is wearing my trusty straw bag all the time.
Do you switch your bags/purses daily or have an all purpose bag?.
Hemos tenido unos días soleados pero fríos, que es algo que me gusta mucho porque hace que salir a caminar sea más agradable (aunque el paisaje sigue grisáceo). Lo que no es agradable es sacar fotos en estos días soleados (no creo que le guste a nadie). Preferiría hacerlo en el atardecer, cuando se supone que la luz es mejor, pero el caso es que tengo una Vida Real y no siempre es posible. Así que saco las fotos cuando surge la oportunidad, no siempre en las mejores condiciones.
En otro de mis momentos de Vida Real, me tomé unas fotos en una mañana de niebla, poniendo la cámara en un banco y usando el temporizador. Hacía un día tan desagradable que el parque estaba vacío, así que pude dedicarme a mis 'asuntos' sin que nadie se me quedase mirando. Esas cosas que solemos hacer por nuestros blogs! ;D
Me he estado poniendo el mismo abrigo y el mismo bolso (y pañuelo!) porque me hace la vida más fácil. Aunque me encante la variedad de accesorios, me fastidia el tiempo que lleva estar cambiando de bolso. Cuando tengo planeado lo que voy a llevar en la semana, intento llevar el mismo bolso cuantos más días mejor. Es una cosa que echo de menos del verano, que puedo llevar mi bolso de mimbre todo el rato.
¿Os gusta cambiar de bolso cada día o preferís un bolso para todo trote?

- shearling coat, second hand / abrigo de piel vuelta, de segunda mano
- embroidered t-shirt, Festa (old) / camiseta con bordados
- maxi skirt, made of an old sofá cover (previously worn here) / falda larga, hecha de una vieja colcha para sofá, anteriormente
- boots, Clarks (old) / botas
- scarf, a present / pañuelo, un regalo
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
- vintage bag from my mom's wardrobe (70's?) / bolso vintage del armario de mamá (de los 70?)
- pendant, Silvereira (old) / colgante
- bracelets, charity shopped / pulseras, de tiendas solidarias
- ring, Ciclón / anillo
- striped t-shirt, C&A (old) / camiseta rayas
- purple shirt, Evans (old) / camisa morada
- set of bracelets, a present / pulseras a juego, un regalo
- maxi skirt, bought it thirty years ago (my own vintage!) / falda larga, comprada hace treinta años (mi propia cosecha vintage!)
- necklace, retail (Verde Doncella) old / collar, de 'Verde Doncella', antigüito
However much I enjoy the sunny days we are now having as well, I agree that they are not ideal for taking pictures. I love what you're wearing, especially the orange maxi skirt. But my favourite is the second outfit. That skirt is just amazing and I love how you combined it with the yellow striped top and purple cardigan. Fab accessories too! I'm swooning over that necklace and ring! I have to admit that I find it hard slog to switch bags, and that I've been using the same bag for work for weeks now. I only change bags in the weekends, as I don't have to switch all my weekday stuff, taking only essentials. Hope the weather stays nice for you this weekend. Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarWhat lovely outfits! Love the maxi skirts especially the patchwork one. I love how you've matched your skirts with fabulous contrasting colours and what lovely bangles, rings, necklaces, scarves and of course your signature beret. Loved your mum's bag too!
ResponderEliminarNo, I don't change bags daily. I tend to keep the same handbag for months then I swap over but it's not often I take my handbag with me when I'm out and about., I have a collection (x3) of material bags that I use instead and chuck purse, keys and phone in and off I go...
Have a lovely weekend.
Two lovely outfits, I adore both maxi skirts (but I bet you knew I'd say that!)
ResponderEliminarI agree, I love sunny days but the height of the sun at this time of year isn't conducive to photos, the shadows, the bleaching of colours and the squinting aren't great!
I only ever carry my purse, an umbrella, a cloth tote and my house keys with me so swapping bags isn't a problem although I'm a bit lazy and tend to use the same one for weeks at a time. xxx
We have had so few sunny days this winter that it hasn't been an issue for taking photos - the problem has been the rain/freezing rain/snow and bitter cold! It's nice to see green grass in your photos!
ResponderEliminarI used a knapsack every day because carrying a bag, or even a crossbody bag on my shoulder hurts my back. The sacrifice of style for comfort!
Such a gorgeous bag and I also like this skirt in the second set of pictures. It's been rainy some days here and then sunny but a bit chilly at the same time. But, it's not so bad. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. besos x
ResponderEliminarYou are the mistress of maxi skirts! I love both of these, but the second one is just amazing - it looks like it's very swooshy (and you know I love a good swoosh!).
ResponderEliminarI have been using the same bag daily for 3+ years! Guilty! I just have so much stuff in it that I need on a daily basis, and it's purely functional for my workday, so I never bother changing it. Even on the weekends, unless I'm going somewhere special (where I will match a purse to my outfit) I don't change it. Some people are bag/purse people - I am totally not! Now, shoes...we could have a whole conversation about that!
I like seeing the weather reflected in the pictures' lighting - it makes it feel more real to me, that I'm getting a sense of your life and the changing of the seasons. I would also use a timer on a park bench!