I don't know if it's actually an 80's shirt or something more modern but the print looks very 80's. Actually it was its massive floral motive which was pointed to me by my friend M. when we were volunteering at the charity market. Isn't it lovely when a friend find something for you and it is just your taste?
This yellow number is becoming my 'all purpose bag'. I like a cross-body bag when running errands, but a straw bag is very useful to carry my thermo flask in the morning and all the other stuff (notebook, sunnies, scarf).
(linking Floral Party at Spy Girl blog)
Estaba deseando ponerme alguna de las ropas que adquirí recientemente en el mercadillo solidario, pero la mayoría son demasiado veraniegas o necesitan ajustes, así que pensaba que iba a costarme mucho rato. Pero esta camisa nueva-para-mí estuvo lista en cuanto le quité las hombreras y aproveché este día tan soleado para ponérmela, por la mañana, y también por la tarde para salir a caminar.
No sé muy bien si es de los ochenta o más moderna, pero el estampado me parece muy ochentero. En realidad fue mi amiga M. la que me llamó la atención sobre esas flores enormes, mientras ayudábamos en el mercadillo. ¿No es genial cuando una amiga te encuentra algo y resulta que es justo de tu gusto?
Este bolso amarillo se está convirtiendo en mi 'bolso para todo'. Me gustan los bolsos cruzados para hacer recados, pero un bolso grande de paja es utilísimo para llevar el termo y toda la demás morralla que suelo cargar, libreta, gafas de sol, pañuelo...
- trench, La Redoute (old) / gabardina
- fuchsia trousers, Punto Roma (old) / pantalón fucsia
- green t-shirt, Punto Roma (old) / camiseta verde
- sneakers, Adidas outlet (old) / zapatillas
- straw bag, retail (clearance sale) / bolso, liquidación de una tienda local
- necklace, bracelet, earrings, charity markets / collar, pulsera, pendientes de mercadillos solidarios
- pendant, Silvereira (old) / colgante

80s or not, that is one fabulous print, Monica. And indeed it's great to have a friend who knows one's taste! I used to go vintage shopping with a friend, who always pointed me in the direction of certain items of clothing, and made me spend money, while she didn't buy anything at all ;-) I'm loving your bright pink (Sheila would say PANK) trousers the groovy necklace, and the pretty (and very handy!) straw bag! Have a great Easter weekend! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarThat shirt is gorgeous - those colourful and bold prints were one of the Eighties best creations. It looks like a lovely soft Indian cotton, too. What a keen-eyed friend you have.
ResponderEliminarLoving the straw basket! I ferreted mine out from the bottom of the wardrobe this afternoon. Hooray for summer bags! xxx
Whatever era the shirt is from, it is beautiful. So great to have friends that know your taste.
ResponderEliminarThat shirt is wonderful, and the print is bold and beautiful, just like you!
ResponderEliminarHow wonderful you could wear this cool and colourful shirt immediately! And even better your friend found it for you! I like how you have combined it and you look fantastic in leggings!
ResponderEliminarHappy Easter!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
What a striking mix! I smiled all the way scrolling your pics up and down. You look GREAT! Love the neon sneakers with all the bold colors of your outfit! <3
ResponderEliminarThis is the perfect spring look.
ResponderEliminarI love this colorful and striking mix. So amazing.
take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM
What a fabulous shirt. It looks gorgeous on you and the yellow straw bag is amazing!