Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a visible week!
El sábado hacía un día muy bueno, así que evidentemente teníamos que salir a dar una vuelta y hacer recados, y además aproveché para sacar fotos. Es chocante cuando algunos turistas se paran a ver qué estás fotografiando. A veces te miran con penita como pensando 'esta pobre mujer está sacando fotos de fachadas al azar, ¿qué pretenderá?'. Aunque también hay gente que ofrece ayuda o consejo, lo que siempre es de agradecer (si no son unos entrometidos) y puede servir para iniciar una conversación.
Enlazo al Visible Monday y os deso una semana muy visible!

- dress, eBay (second hand) old / vestido, de eBay, segunda mano
- Green t-shirt, Punto Roma (old) / camiseta verde
- black cardi, La Redoute (ages ago) / chaqueta negra, antigüita
- sandals, elémenterre (outlet) old / sandalias
- bag, retail / bolso, tienda local
- necklace, Dayaday (old) / collar
I've picked this not-so-beautiful street to take my pics, because I like to keep it real!. Because not-so-beautiful streets with their clothes lines are also part of the city atmosphere!.
He elegido esta calle no particularmente bonita para sacarme fotos, porque quería que se viera también un poco de vida real, no siempre está todo pulido, también hay ropa tendida en calles más corrientes, que también son parte de la ciudad y su vida.
Siempre es interesante mirar hacia arriba en las fachadas, en las zonas "históricas" te encuentras con sorpresas como la cara de la señora que nos presentas.
ResponderEliminarnada como ver las calles viejas con ojos nuevos!
EliminarPosing for street photos is always an icebreaker!
ResponderEliminarLove that ornate corbel with the beautiful lady and to see your street washing lines, I'm always admiring them in Greece. Your dress and basket are so spring-like and cheery! xxx
washing lines are charming, aren't they? ;DDD
EliminarI think your not-so-beautiful street is actually very beautiful, and that those washing lines greatly add to the atmosphere. I'm always looking up when taking photographs in the city as well. Often downstairs buildings have been modernized, especially in shopping streets, and it's far more interesting from the first floor up. And yes, people are wondering what I'm doing, and start looking up as well ;-) Love your summery maxi, and ins't that yellow basket the most versatile ever? Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarthanks for your comment!, I usually prefer the not-so-beautiful streets because of their atmosphere!
EliminarHa ha! This is why I prefer to take photos inside my house ; P Less stares and weird comments.
ResponderEliminarAll those little architectural details you have over in Europe are wonderful. I love the bright yellow bag with the tropical maxi.
oh yes, weird comments! I'm quite shy so sometimes I feel embarrassed!
EliminarYou look like summer! Love the facades and the lovely details like the wrought iron balconies and the corbels complete with faces. I love those outside roller blinds - what a good idea!
ResponderEliminarThe trusty yellow straw bag is with you still!
Have a great week.
those roller blinds are pretty old fashioned, but really practical!
Eliminarthanks for your comment.
In the "ugly" street photo you match the artwork behind you.
ResponderEliminarI thunk ugliness and beauty are so relative.
It is nice to photograph upwards and provide a pause in the attention conversation.
xo Jazzy Jack
I love seeing streets in other countries - and Spain is so lovely, no street there will ever be boring to me. The golden stone does make a good backdrop for your dress.
ResponderEliminarI love those imperfect streets - it looks very charming to me! I wish our back streets were that nice!
ResponderEliminarYour dress is so pretty - love that bold pattern!
you know I love back streets and dark alleys, mwhaha!
EliminarI think people were drawn to your colourful style and that's why they stopped to talk.
ResponderEliminarmwhaha, thanks for your comment!.