Coming back to the subject, I made the most of the unpredictable weather and wore my 'joyful tunic' to go for a walk last Sunday. I payed a visit to the open-air market, then met with my friend M. for some 'tapas' and usual chatting. Totally my kind of Sunday!
This tunic is one of my favourites, even if its best qualities make it difficult to style. Its voluminous sleeves can't be worn under any jacket or coat, which means it's not suitable for a colder season. However it's not a summer tunic because of the long sleeves and lots of fabric. So it's a now or never kind of cloth!
Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a visible week!
la semana pasada fue típicamente primaveral con un tiempo cambiando de lluvia fuerte a sol, de mañanas frescas a días templados (8ºC a 28ºC). En realidad me gusta más que las actuales condiciones cada vez más cálidas, no soy nada entusiasta del verano y sus calores.
Volviendo al tema del clima primaveral, procuré sacarle partido y me puse mi túnica 'alegría' para ir a dar una vuelta el pasado domingo, visitar el mercadillo y luego tomar el vermú con mi amiga M. con la habitual charla. Todo muy de mi gusto!.
Justamente las mejores cualidades de esta túnica son las que la hacen difícil de combinar. Esas mangas voluminosas no se pueden llevar debajo de ninguna chaqueta o abrigo, así que no hay manera de ponérsela cuando hace más frío. Pero tampoco es una túnica de verano, por esas mangas largas y toda esa tela. Así que es un 'ahora o nunca'.
Enlazo al Visible Monday y espero que tengáis una semana muy visible.
- tunic, Antiqua Sartoria (bought retail last summer) / túnica, Antiqua Sartoria (en tienda local, verano pasado)
- leggings, La Redoute (old)
- sandals, Raquel Pérez (local factory!) / sandalias, Raquel Pérez (producto local!)
- necklace, very old (Sfera?) / collar, antigüito (de Sfera?)
- shawl, bought retail when in holidays / chal, comprado en una tienda local en vacaciones
- bracelets, made by me (papier maché) / pulseras hechas por mí (papel maché)
- straw bag, Etsy (last summer) / bolso de paja, de Etsy (del verano pasado)
- orange trench, La Redoute (old) / gabardina naranja
- polka dot shirt, a present by Sacramento / camisa de lunares, regalo de Sacramento
- trousers, custom made by a local seamstress (old) / pantalón, hecho a medida por modista local
- sandals, Allrounders (outlet) / sandalias
- necklace, charity market / collar, de mercadillo solidario

I took my pics at the library as it was raining cats and dogs. (I visit our local library frequently and not only to use it as a backdrop!). Anyway I was wearing sandals and my orange trenchcoat, which is not waterproof, so I get soaked despite having an umbrella. Not the most sensible outfit indeed.
Me saqué fotos en la biblioteca un día que llovía a mares (y no es que vaya a la biblioteca sólo cuando llueve, voy frecuentemente). De todos modos, llevaba sandalias y esta gabardina naranja que no es impermeable, así que acabé calada a pesar de llevar paraguas. No fue precisamente una buena elección de ropa para ese día.

Then at least last week was corresponding your taste. Your outfits are definitely my taste! The blouse with the wide sleeves is a dream and also the second look is fantastic!
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
I love, love, your tunic. It's so pretty and the sleeves are beautiful! I also loved your necklace and your own papier mache bracelets are fantastic. I love the fish pattern on them. Your second outfit was very cool and I'm sorry you got wet. Love your Etsy straw bag and the African print trousers are fab.
ResponderEliminarStill as you say changeable weather is preferable to constant hot weather. It was very humid and warm today here so I felt very sticky and uncomfortable.
Hope your week is going well.
That colourful tunic is amazing even if it is difficult to style. I've got a few pieces like that which require special coats and certain weather. I love them too much to get rid of them though.
ResponderEliminarI got soaked recently when I was in NYC with Patti even though I also had an umbrella.
Your tunic is fantastic even if a bit challenging. Such a joyful piece!
ResponderEliminarMuch love!
We were writing comments on each other blogs at the same time, so funny! :)))
ResponderEliminarmwahah, isn't it amazing?
EliminarI love that tunic - it's such a great cut, and you know I love all the colour! The weather this time of year is so changeable! It makes getting dressed very challenging.
ResponderEliminarOh! That colorful tunic is amazing! I'm a neutral girl, but I'm obsessed with that top!
You wouldn't want to cover up those marvelous sleeves of that tunic with a coat anyway. It's a beautiful piece of clothing. Our weather has been mostly on the cooler side, and raining but now it's getting hot, which I'm not a fan of either!