Una vez más, fuimos a dar una vuelta a uno de nuestros lugares favoritos (más info aquí). Había bastante gente de visita, sacando fotos y andando por ahí, pero igualmente disfrutamos de tranquilidad, simplemente evitando las calles más concurridas. Ya se ha hecho la vendimia y las viñas están cambiando de color, así que hay toques dorados y rojizos en el paisaje, muy otoñal. Me siento con suerte de vivir aquí al lado y ver todo esto.
I wore a pair of comfy sandals and summery clothes, but had to add a jacket. These trousers were a second hand purchase which resulted uncomfortably tight, so I added the long strip of orange fabric to make them wider (and louder!). It was not a sensible purchase, even if I could fix it, it's better to avoid buying too tight clothes. On the contrary, oversized clothes can be easily fitted or shortened, so I keep them on my radar when rummaging.
The matchy-matchy bag is making its last appearance as it's really deteriorated. So sad!.
Aunque llevase sandalias (cómodas) y ropa bastante veraniega, tuve que ponerme una chaqueta. Estos pantalones fueron una compra de segunda mano y me estaban estrechos, así que les añadí esta franja de tela naranja a los lados, para hacerlos más anchos (y vistosos). No fue una compra nada sensata, aunque resultase bien. Comprar ropa estrecha no es buena idea, por el contrario la ropa demasiado grande puede estrecharse o acortarse fácilmente, así que hay que tenerla en cuenta cuando rebuscas en las tiendas de segunda mano.
Este bolsito tan combinado está haciendo su última aparición, está todo estropeado. Una lástima.

- trousers, charity shop (revamped) / pantalón, de tienda solidaria (reformados)
- gingham blouse, sewed by me (old) / camisa de cuadritos vichy, hecha por mí
- sandals, Chiruca (old) / sandalias
- jacket, C&A (old) / chaqueta
- orange sarong as a scarf (old) / pareo naranja a modo de chal
- necklace, charity shop (old) / collar, de tienda solidaria

Obviously, we had usual aperitives or tapas and a glass of wine for me (Mr. A. had a non alcoholic beer as he had to drive). You can see here some 'spanish omelettes' but we had some asparagus and a croquette. Simple life! ;D
Evidentemente, teníamos que tomar unas tapas y una copita de vino para mí (Mr. A. se tomó una cerveza sin, porque conducía). Podéis ver una muestra de tortillas estupendas, pero elegimos un pincho de espárragos y una croqueta. ¡Ah, la vida sencilla!.
You truly do live in a beautiful region of the world.
ResponderEliminarI like your solution for the pants. I'd like to do that with some of my jeans but I'm too nervous I won't be able to complete the task on the seam. My skills and old sewing machine aren't up to it.
Laguardia is definitely on my wish list! Not only do you and the Mr live there but it's absolutely gorgeous. That vineyard looks wonderful with it's misty mountains and those delightful terracotta roof tiles on the surrounding buildings.
ResponderEliminarYour remake of those trousers is genius, I love the contrasting stripe. What a shame about the bag, though.
Those omelettes look very tempting, as does the wine. Cheers! xxx
The vineyards are so lovely! What a gorgeous place!
ResponderEliminarI also keep an eye out for clothes that are out of my size range, usually larger sizes, as they can be really cute if they're a bit large. Sometimes I'll buy clothes (esp. skirts) that are smaller, and then just not do up the zipper all the way (I did that yesterday, with my grey skirt).
Wishing you a happy week, Monica! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. :)
What a picturesque spot your favourite place is, Monica. I love going off the beaten path. You did a great job on your trousers, as not only do they fit you now, the pop of colour provided by the strips of orange make is even better. Those tapas look very, very yummy ... Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarHow lovely it all looks. I adore that round stone window. You are looking gorgeous and vibrant in orange and turquoise but clearly the temperatures have dropped hence the jacket. It's the same here...
ResponderEliminarSo sad the bag is finished. never mind it's been a good friend to you!
Hope you have a great week ahead
Looks like a lovely area to explore on foot, and the tapas look delicious! I like what you did with the pants to make them fit better. I think the orange stripe is great with the colours in the pattern.