My trusty black coat has come to the rescue, I've worn it almost every day, but couldn't take an outdoors photo because of the aforesaid wind and rain, so I tried to take a mirror-selfie.
Hemos tenido que cambiar a un vestuario totalmente propio de la época del año y hemos tenido que hacerlo rápidamente, porque el tiempo ha cambiado de golpe. La semana pasada estaba paseándome sin chaqueta (véase aquí) y unos pocos días después ya estaba bien tapada con mis abrigos de invierno. Incluso puedo ver las montañas con nieve desde mi ventana, que es muy bonito, pero me alegra que la nieve en la ciudad sea algo bastante más infrecuente. En cambio, tenemos abundancia de lluvia y viento estos días.
Este abrigo negro largo es muy práctico, me lo he puesto casi todos los días, pero me fue imposible sacar una foto en el exterior por culpa de la mencionada lluvia (y viento), así que hice un intento de foto en este espejo enorme.

- dress, sewed by me some time ago / vestido, costura propia hace algún tiempo
- sneakers, Adidas outlet (old) / zapatillas
- striped coat, a friend's hand-me-down (old) / abrigo de rayas, del desván de una amiga
- black coat, Anne Weybourn (La Redoute) ten years old / abrigo negro, antigüito de hace diez años
- pendant, a present by mom / colgante, un regalo de mi madre
- scarf, old / bufanda, antigüita
- brooches, made by me / broches, hechos por mí
- bracelets, charity shops and Sfera (old) / pulseras, de tiendas solidarias y del Sfera (antigüitas)
- bag, by Nonapapallona old / bolso de Nonapapallona
Saturday morning looked promisingly sunny so we took advantage of this to run errands and go for a walk. Obviously it was a faux promise and it was raining once more in a few hours, so we ran home and didn't adventured outdoors anymore. Glad that we could make the most of the few sunny hours.
I was looking forward to wear these trousers that I purchased (second hand) at the Sunday street market some months ago. I think they were actually some kind of jumpsuit (by H&M), as they had a wide elastic band in top which I folded in half to create an elastic waist. I can't imagine which shape of woman was this designed for, as the supposed elastic top was 4 inches long (10cm) whereas the rest of the garment is massive. However, they've become a nice pair of wide leg trousers and they are purple!.
Linking Visible Monday and wishing you a visible week and also a slow fashion autumn!
El sábado por la mañana nos pareció prometedoramente soleado así que decidimos aprovecharlo para hacer recados y dar una vuelta. Evidentemente duró poco el sol y estaba lloviendo en unas pocas horas, así que volvimos corriendo a casa y no asomamos fuera más. Me alegra que pudiésemos aprovechar estas pocas horas de tiempo seco (aunque frío)
Estaba deseando ponerme estos pantalones que encontré de segunda mano en el mercadillo del domingo, hace meses. Creo que en realidad son alguna clase de mono/enterizo (del H&M) porque tenían una banda elástica arriba que doblé en dos para crear la cintura. No me puedo imaginar para quién está diseñado algo así, ya que el supuesto top elástico tenía como 10cm de largo mientras que el resto de la prenda es amplísimo. Sin embargo, como pantalón ancho creo que resulta y además es morado!
Enlazo al Visible Monday y os deseo una semana muy visible y un otoño libre de moda de usar y tirar.

These are some of my last second hand purchases at the sunday street market. The paisley shirt is by 'Nymphaea Alba' and it's same purple shade than my wide leg trousers, which calls for a matchy ensemble!. The washed colors dress was a small size but I liked the colors and viscose fabric, so I bought anyway and added it to my fabric stash (more work!).
There's an Animal Welfare Association's market all month long, so I've planned to pay it some visits with my friend M'. They usually sell some cute accessories (as if we were running short of them!) so it deserves that we brave the elements!

Estas son algunas de mis últimas adquisiciones de segunda mano del mercadillo del domingo. Esta camisa con estampado cachemira es de 'Nymphaea Alba' y tiene el mismo tono de morado que los pantalones anchos, así que la combinación viene hecha ya. El vestido es de talla pequeña pero me gustaron estos colores de acuarela y la tela es viscosa, así que lo compré igualmente, para usar la tela (más trabajo!)
Hay un mercadillo de la asociación protectora de animales durante todo el mes, así que tengo pensado hacerles algunas visitas con mi amiga M'. Habitualmente venden bastantes accesorios (como si nos hicieran falta!) así que merece la pena hacer frente al mal tiempo para ir a verlos.
Oh, I see it really got cold! But you look fantastic in your cool winter looks!
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Love the paisley shirt, and the trousers and the plaid dress you made. Wish I had sewing skills - I tried as a youngster but am just not nimble enough. Lise
ResponderEliminarI love the yellow! Great color pairing with the pants. I think the weather is a little crazy everywhere.
I love that cosy coat in sheepskin - I bet you didn't feel cold in that one! Also wish I could have seen more of that tartan dress with the black coat. I'm such a fan of my national cloth. The paisley shirt is so cute - I wish it was winging its way to me my dear friend xxx
ResponderEliminarOh those accessories are so tempting!! That's why my bedroom is being taking over by my scarf and jewellery collection...
ResponderEliminarI loved your 'made by you' plaid dress. Did I spy a huge flower on it? It looked fab with the striped jacket and your brilliant bangles, brooches and pendant. The purple trousers were a very good buy and look great on you; especially with the yellow top and cardi. The paisley shirt will look gorgeous with the new trousers and paisley has got to me one of my most favourite patterns.
I'll wait with great interest to see what you turn the watered striped material into...
Hope you've managed a few more sunny spells. It's cold and windy here this week with rain and possibly snow on the way!
Snow? Already? Eeekk!
ResponderEliminarLove both your wonderful outfits, the me-made tartan dress and the rescued trousers - I wonder who H&M use as models, whenever I find anything made by them in a charity shop it's a very strange shape! xxx
While thankfully we haven't had any snow yet, it is true that it very suddenly got quite a bit colder here as well, just as we were about to go on a break. So, I had to dig out, not only my warm winter coats, but a tweed skirt and jumper and some of my warmest dresses to take with me. I'm loving the plaid dress you've sewn with the striped coat, and the wide-legged trousers combined with yellow looks absolutely fabulous on you. I've often wondered about H&M's fit as well. The William Morris dress I bought in the sales, which is a size 10 and would normally be too small for me, only just about fits me in the waist but is way too big on top. Very strange! I'm totally in love with that paisley print blouse you found, by the way! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarWe had a drastic change in our weather too; we had almost a foot of snow this past week and it's been very cold! Yellow and blue is an excellent colour pairing, and the print on that thifted blouse is gorgeous.
ResponderEliminarYour tartan dress is fabulous and I love your market finds too, so many wonderful colours!! x
ResponderEliminarI like seeing what you've bought! I love your massive trousers, and your bright colours always cheer me up.