As many of you have already noticed, this is a little homage to the Escape to the Chateau tv series. Hope you enjoy a touch of humour and frivolity.
I think that headscarves and turbans are going to make a comeback, as hair salons are going to be closed for a while, so I'm offering you some inspiration too (and more frivolity!). Do you know that Simone de Beauvoir started wearing turbans when she couldn't afford a hairstylist?. I read about this in a book: 'At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails' by Sarah Bakewell. Not particularly frivolous, despite the cocktails in the title, but an entertaining read!
Wish you a nice weekend!
Estaba deseando estrenar este kimono que me dió mi madre, una prenda comprada en los ochenta que nunca se ha usado, y quería sacarla a dar un paseo tan pronto como el tiempo lo permitiera. Pero va a tardar un rato aún, y no precisamente por el tiempo, por desgracia. A pesar de todo, me la he puesto y me he vestido para la ocasión tal como tenía pensado (y muy cómoda también). Podría decirse que ha sido un estreno muy adecuado, porque este kimono es una bata de casa en realidad. Pero nunca he pensado en usarlo de esta manera, porque me parece que un kimono de rayón con estampado de dragones y nubes doradas no está hecho para esconderlo en casa.
Como puede que hayáis notado, este es mi pequeño homenaje a la serie de tv Nuestro Propio Castillo (en inglés Escape to the Chateau). Espero que disfrutéis de este toque de humor y frivolidad.
Creo que los turbantes y pañuelos atados en la cabeza van a volver a estar de moda, porque empezaremos a echar de menos las peluquerías, así que os ofrezco un poco de inspiración (y frivolidad). ¿Sabíais que Simone de Beauvoir empezó a llevar turbante en los tiempos en que no se podía permitir la peluquería?. Lo leí en este libro: 'En el café de los existencialistas. (Sexo, café y cigarrillos o Cuando filosofar era provocador)' de Sarah Bakewell. No es una lectura frívola (a pesar del sexo etc del título), pero muy entretenida.
Espero que tengáis un buen fin de semana!

This kimono is an 80's chinese robe from my mother's store room (never worn). I removed the pocket flaps and rolled up my sleeves, as I don't like particularly the brown flaps.
- trousers, Festa (old) / pantalón
- red turtleneck, retail (old) / cuello vuelto rojo, comercio local
- sandals, Chiruca outlet / sandalias
- vintage scarf, a present / pañuelo vintage, un regalo
El kimono, del trastero de mi madre, comprado en los ochenta y sin estrenar. Le he quitado las solapas de los bolsillos y he recogido las mangas para que no se vean los detalles en marrón que no me agradan.
Oh my goodness, how fabulous do you look? That headscarf looks fabulous! Dick and Angel would be very impressed with that wonderful outfit.
ResponderEliminarThat smoking jacket (sounds much posher than dressing gown) is a stunner, I love it with your jungle trousers.
Stay safe and healthy, the situation in Spain must be very frightening. xxx
thank you, dear Vix, glad you like it!
EliminarI think that the situation in Spain is becoming worse before getting better (this is what I say to myself!)
Wow, you look spectacular in this, Monica! Quite like a silent screen diva in your swanky turban and silk kimono! I agree with Vix, when men wear them, they're smoking jackets, so we should totally appropriate that for us! Scarves never stay put in my hair - they slide off really fast (I have slippery hair).
ResponderEliminarSo lovely that you've spied an 20's vibe, as it's a favourite style!
EliminarAnd I also agree that smoking jacket sounds better!
I have slippery hair too, but used some hairpins which keep the whole thing quite secure!
I love your outfit! The trousers go so well with the lovely golden smoking jacket and you are rocking the headscarf - you look fabulous! I hope there were cocktails waiting for you on the balcony...
ResponderEliminarStay safe and well.
Glad that you like it!
EliminarI'm planning to have a cocktail in our balcony on Sunday!
How fabulous is that housecoat? You are so right in that it is too good to remain hidden inside. For now, it will have to do for obvious reasons, but you'll have to make sure to take it on an outing when all this is over. I'm loving the turban/headscarf too, it suits you very well. We girls with short hairdo's will have a hard time keeping our hair under control, so I will be taking a leaf out of your books and start practising with scarves! Stay safe and healthy, Monica! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarActually, I've thought to wear it to run errands, which could be very commmented in our little city. But life is too short to care!.
EliminarTotally agree about short hairstyle!, turbans and scarves look like a sensible idea!
Totally agree, this is not a garment to wear indoors, hay que lucir ese kimono, aunque sea en el blog. Un abrazo en la distancia.
ResponderEliminarY creo que tomaré tu palabra, como van las cosas, el cabellito va a tener que taparse.
Gracias por comentar!
EliminarY sí, la peluquería se echa de menos!, ;DD