lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

what I've been doing

Last days I've been sewing this patchwork skirt for a dress I'm making. The gingham top was made of a tunic that I bought at a local charity shop, a really ill-fitting tunic that I've dismantled. It's easy to find this kind of fast fashion malfunctions at charities. Everyone knows that fast fashion brands do not spend too much in a quality design, actually they do not spend too much in anything!. So this badly designed clothing becomes the norm. But we must not despair!. Vintage clothing provides all the quality we can dream about. And many second hand clothes can be revamped into something more appealing and have a new life (this is something I'm a huge fan of).

Estos días he estado entretenida cosiendo este patchwork para hacer una falda para el vestido que estoy haciendo. La tela de cuadritos vichy salió de una túnica que compré en Cáritas, y que no tenía solución, sentaba fatal, así que la deshice. Es fácil encontrar este tipo de prendas, salidas de cadenas de ropa conocidas, que producen mucho y no invierten en un diseño de calidad (en realidad, no invierten en casi nada), así que sientan mal o no funcionan y acaban donadas. Parece que la ropa mal diseñada se convierte en lo normal, pero no hay que desesperar. Tenemos la opción de la ropa vintage que tiene toda la calidad con la que puedas soñar. Y también puedes reformar todas esas prendas baratas de las tiendas de segunda mano, y hacer algo más interesante, y darles nueva vida.

I've been busy switching seasons in my wardrobe. I do it three or four times every year, as they're not massive switchings, just moving some hangers from my spare room's wardrobe to my bedroom and opening some boxes. I've also stored my boots, and unpacked some summery shoes, but still not sandals!. They live in this hidden box under the sofa (a really useful piece of furniture as it doubles as a bed for guests). I love some hidden storage.

He estado ocupada haciendo el cambio de estación en el armario. Hago pequeños cambios pero varias veces al año, en vez de un gran cambio, sólo traigo algunas perchas de ropa del armario del cuarto de invitados a mi armario. También abro algunas cajas. He estado guardando el calzado más invernal y sacando algo más ligero, aunque todavía no sandalias. Tengo todo guardado bajo este sofá, un mueble muy práctico que también sirve como cama para invitados. Me encanta tener este almacenaje oculto.

- massive flower skirt, second hand, Sunday Street Market (it was made of a strapless dress) / falda de la flor enorme, de segunda mano del mercadillo del domingo (hecha con un vestido sin tirantes)
- gingham blouse, second hand / blusa de cuadritos vichy, segunda mano
- headscarf, retail (old) / pañuelo para la cabeza
- sneakers, Adidas outlet (old) / zapatillas

16 comentarios:

  1. That dress is going to be gorgeous when its finished. Such a good idea to recycle the poorly made garment. I haven't braved sandals yet and like you, have put my boots away.

    I love your headscarf and the lovely gingham blouse with the flower skirt - you very like Carmen Miranda!

    Take care,

    1. Sandals will go out soon, for sure! (I'm an optimistic!)
      And thanks for your comment, I'm a huge fan of Carmen Miranda! ;DDD

  2. I am absolutely loving you patchwork, I can't wait to see it finished and on your fabulous self!
    What a gorgeous outfit, you know I love the massive flower skirt.
    I'm in my Birkis today, I must be mad! xxx

    1. This patchwork is taking me ages, but I don't give up!
      It's rainy and chilly here, so I'm not braving the elements today, but I'll wear my sandals soon!

  3. I'm glad to read you've been keeping yourself busy, and I can't wait to see the finished dress. I've been doing some of my wardrobe changeover as well, but I'm far from finished. I haven't even started on the shoes yet! Love that nifty under bed storage and your massive flower skirt and gingham blouse are a match made in heaven. I will have to start practising on tying headscarves soon, my hair is an absolute mess! Besos xxx

    1. I try to do some smaller wardrobe changeovers, as the massive summer switch is totally exhausting, it involves loads of washing and hanging heavy winter stuff. And storage solutions!
      Having a hidden storage under this sofa is so useful!
      Glad that you're practicing on wearing headscarves!, they hide a multitude of sins!

  4. What a good idea to take the fabric and turn it into patchwork. You are "preaching to the choir" on fast fashion vs. vintage! I'm glad you see the potential and can remake that garment into something new.

    I love that ginormous skirt. It makes my heart so happy! I'm in envy of your storage under your couch!

    1. Great minds!!. I've been grabbing some 'impossible to wear' clothes at charities, only because of their fabric, bits and bobbins.
      This couch/sofa was bought in Ikea fifteen years ago, when we lived in an apartment 630 SqFt / 58m2. It was a lifesaver! and still works nicely!

  5. Brilliant idea to do a patchwork. Looking forward to seeing the results.

    1. It's taking me ages to sew it, but I'm liking the process too!

  6. Wow, such a great idea that you sew this patch-work skirt for the dress - indeed a perfect use for fast fashion pieces that doesn't fit! Looking forward to see the result and yes, hidden storage is really something to like :)
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  7. The dress is looking nice so far! I like how you switch out your clothes for the season. I want to be more organized with my closet.

    Perla Lifestyle Blog

  8. I do love patchwork and dream of making an old fashioned patchwork quilt for my bed one day. The gingham looks fab - I can't wait to see how this turns out. You're so right about vintage pieces being much better quality!

    Take care xxx

  9. The patchwork is an excellent way to re-purpose clothing pieces. It's definitely not sandal weather here yet so I haven't switched out any of my winter clothing. Hopefully soon!

  10. Precioso el color de este pañuelo, combinaría muy bien con el vestido jungla que mostraste

    1. Gracias por comentar!, y me gusta esta mezcla que propones!
