I've tried to keep my mood up and wear clothes which cheer me (and others) up. This floral dress was a bargain at a second hand stall in the Sunday Street Market (which I miss) back in August 2019. And no fixing was required!. It's made of a lightweight viscose knit, unwrinkable and fresh, and it looks a little bit worn but still wearable for a long time. Not that bad for the 2€ I paid!.
I wore my revamped denim jacket just when I walked to work in the early morning, because it was chilly. But it's actually hot these days, up to 30ºC (86ºF). Unseasonably hot!
Estos días he estado sintiéndome muy cansada e incluso irritable, ya que la reincorporación a la rutina diaria me está costando. La vuelta al trabajo siempre me deja confundida, y más ahora con todo el ritual de desinfección y mantener la distancia en una complicada coreografía. Además, mucha gente parece ansiosa y molesta, lo que requiere una dosis extra de amabilidad. De todos modos, me alegra que la mayoría de la gente se comporte.
Por mi parte, he intentado mantenerme animada y ponerme ropa especialmente alegre, para mí y para otros. Este vestido de flores fue una ganga en los puestos de segunda mano del mercadillo del domingo (lo echo de menos) en Agosto de 2019. ¡Y ni siquiera tuve que arreglarlo!. Está hecho de un punto de viscosa muy liviano, que no se arruga, muy fresco, y aunque esté usado, aún le queda cuerda para rato. Todo esto por 2€, ¡nada mal!.
También llevé esta chaqueta vaquera que reformé, pero sólo para el paseo al trabajo por la mañana temprano. Porque en realidad está haciendo calor, más de 30ºC, que es demasiado calor para esta época del año.
- denim jacket, revamped here (see it before here or here) / chaqueta vaquera, modificada así (véase el 'antes' aquí o también aquí).
- sandals, Chiruca outlet (old) / sandalias
- straw bag, Etsy (old) / bolso de paja, de Etsy (hace años)
- necklace, Dayaday (old) / collar
- bracelets, charity shops / pulseras, de mercadillos solidarios
Another simple meal: aubergines (eggplant) sauteed with onions and garlic, chickpeas and cherry tomatoes.
Otra comida sencilla, berenjenas salteadas con cebollas y ajo, con garbanzos y unos tomatitos.
Hope you're keeping yourselves safe and as fabulous as possible!
Espero que os estéis manteniendo a salvo y tan estupendos como podáis.
I can imagine the disruption caused by your new routine. A difficult choreography sounds about right, I think. I'm still OK, as I'm still only working 2 days a week, and generally on my own as well. But it's the lack of spontaneity and the need of forward planning for all outside activities which is doing my head in. Love the floral dress you've worn to cheer yourself and others up. I'm sure that must have worked, as it's gorgeous! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarTotally agree about the lack of spontaneity, it's something I'm missing actually. But it's something I'm managing!.
That dress is absolutely gorgeous on you! What a lucky find that was!
ResponderEliminarI'm drooling over your dinner, all of my favourite things combined!
I went to a garden centre on Friday, the first shop I'd been to in six weeks and I feel your pain, clumsy choregraphy is the perfect description. I felt unfortable picking anything up and just got what we needed and went home. It wouldn't bother me if I didn't visit another shop again for years! xxx
Your description of the visit to the garden centre has been really accurate!, so stressful!. I'm avoiding the city centre because it makes me feel uncomfortable to have so many people crossing my path. Shopping is not particularly appealing these days!
EliminarI love the dress . You look absolutely fabulous in it and what a lovely colour it is. Love that you have matching sandals. The revamped denim jacket is wonderful and all the accessories look lovely.
ResponderEliminarDon't let it get you down; stay safe, keep calm and keep looking fabulous!
Glad you like them!, this has been a successful revamp, I think!
EliminarHope you're safe and looking as fabulous as usual!
Lovely colourful dress, and I really like the way you've revamped the denim jacket with braiding, giving it your own personal look.
ResponderEliminarI've bought some Chiruca sandals myself now, gosh they're so comfortable and pretty too.
I'm a big fan of chickpeas, and enjoy substituting legumes for meat for protein. During lockdown I've found a recomendable recipe for chickpea curry from a couple cooks.
Glad you like my revamp, it was not time consuming and the braiding makes a difference.
EliminarSo lovely that you also enjoy the Chiruca sandals, as they're a local brand!
I like chickpeas too, and all kind of pulses which are part of our typical mediterranean cooking. I think they're tasty, healthy, cheap and versatile!
I think your dress is lovely - what a bargain! I won't be going back to my office until later this month as there is so much preparation that must be done before we can inhabit our building again. I've avoided stores except for groceries and toiletries and it will be quite a while before I feel comfortable checking out a thrift store.
ResponderEliminarMy office isn't letting anyone come in until they have all our distancing and cleaning protocols in place, which isn't going to be for several weeks yet. It's so stressful dealing with people, though - some just don't seem to get it!
ResponderEliminarI ADORE your dress, my dear. You are a bouquet of gorgeous roses! I would wear this outfit in a heartbeat!