- black t-shirt, second hand at Sunday street market (old) / camiseta negra, de segunda mano del mercadillo
- trousers, clearance sale (old) / pantalones, de un outlet-liquidación
- sandals, Chiruca (old) / sandalias
- necklace and bracelet, charity markets (old) / collar y brazalete, de mercadillos solidarios
- sarong as a scarf (old) / pareo a modo de chal
- straw bag, retail (old) / bolso, de una tienda local
Desde que estamos desconfinados, ya se puede viajar a otras comunidades, lo que personalmente aprecio mucho porque así podemos ir a algunos de los pueblos de alrededor que antes no estaban permitidos por estar fuera de la comunidad (aunque estuviesen a 10kms o menos, tan cerca y tan inalcanzables). Se puede uno sentir muy aislado en una región tan pequeña. Pero ahora estamos planeando excursiones, aunque siempre lejos de La Gente.
- scarves couture skirt and kimono, sewed by me (see here) / falda y kimono hechos con pañuelos, fabricación casera (véase aquí
- red shirt, second hand & revamped / camisa roja, de segunda mano y luego transformada.
- sneakers, Nike outlet (old) / zapatillas
- beach bag embellished with crochet starfishes (old) / bolso de playa adornado con estrellas de mar en ganchillo
- necklace, charity market (old) / collar, de mercadillo solidario
As we're back to business as usual, I have to deal with my Real Life which means having to walk in the city, go into shops etc, activities that I usually enjoy but not anymore. I've felt really disheartened because of many people's poor behaviour. Yesterday, an unmasked passersby practically coughed on me as I was walking on the street, which made me feel paranoid the whole day (squeamish as I am). Two friends of mine have told me about random people shouting and menacing them when been (kindly) asked to keep the distance. It looks like certain people have lost their minds.
On the other hand, my favourite retailers and many other lovely acquaintances are being extremously careful and kind. Which makes me feel better!. And I'm actively avoiding the centre of the city and its more crowded areas.
Actually, I'd like to keep the things lighthearted and entertaining here. I believe that some color and fashion therapy can brighten (a little bit) any situation and will make our lives more interesting and fabulous!
Como ya han vuelto todos los negocios, también hemos vuelto a la Vida Real, que significa tener que ir por la ciudad, comprar en tiendas y todas esas cosas que normalmente me gustan pero ya no tanto. Me ha desanimado mucho todo el comportamiento tan tonto de la gente. Ayer mismo un tipo sin mascarilla me tosió prácticamente encima cuando me lo crucé por la calle, así que estuve paranoica todo el día (igual es que soy aprensiva). Dos amigos diferentes me han contado que alguna gente les ha gritado y amenazado cuando simplemente les han recordado (amablemente) que deben mantener la distancia. Parece que hay cierta gente que está muy enloquecida.
Por otro lado, el pequeño comercio que frecuento y muchos de mis conocidos se muestran muy cuidadosos y amables. Lo que inmediatamente me hace sentir mejor. También mejora mucho todo el que estoy evitando el centro de la ciudad en sus zonas más concurridas.
En realidad, me gustaría mantener un tono más ligero y entretenido por aquí. Personalmente creo que un poco de color y charla sobre moda aligera mucho la situación. Y también hace que la vida sea más interesante y fabulosa.
Another simple dinner, somthing you can make in a rush using any vegetable leftovers and some cheese. I used some previously cooked courgettes and broccoli, added some tomatoes and goat cheese and put it in the oven. Actually it's like having a pizza without the pizza dough (nonsense, isn't it?)
Otra cena muy sencilla que se puede hacer en un momento y usando verduras sobrantes y un poco de queso. En este caso, calabacines cocinados que sobraron y brócoli, y le añadí tomates y queso de cabra para gratinar en el horno. En realidad es como una pizza pero sin la pizza ;DD.
- trousers and blouse, second hand at Sunday Street Market / pantalón y blusa, de segunda mano del mercadillo del domingo
- trench, La Redoute (old) / gabardina, antigüita
- shoes, elementérre outlet / zapatos
- beads, a present by a friend / collar de bolas, un regalo de una amiga
- pendant, a present by my mom / colgante, regalo de mi madre
- face mask, by Nonapapallona, local business! / mascarilla, de Nonapapallona, producto local!
Wish you a fabulous Slow Fashion Season
Os deseo una estupenda temporada de moda sostenible Slow Fashion Season
Isn't it absolutely wonderful to be able to travel to other regions? Even if we haven't been in total lockdown, we were still restricted for our walks and outings to local places, which felt a bit suffocating in the end. We haven't travelled far yet, but fingers crossed that we will be able to spend the first week of September in our usual place in Belgium's west country. I just hope that everybody keeps using their common sense this Summer! Oh dear, being coughed upon would have freaked me out as well. And I have had to shout at people not keeping their distance many a time. The only thing we can do to keep sane is trying to keep things as lighthearted as possible. And wear colourful clothes, obviously. My favourite outfits are the one with the maxi skirt and that fabulous sewn-by-you kimono, although your final outfit is a strong contender as well! Your vegetable and goat's cheese dish looks very tempting, and your pizza without the dough remark made me chuckle! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarI wish we can spend a week (or two!) of September in our usual place in Algarve!, but it looks quite distant!. Anyway, it feels really refreshing to be able to go out the region, even if avoiding any tourist hotspot.
EliminarI believe that humour, entertainment and hobbies are the kind of little things that make a difference.
Glad you like my 'scarves couture' and my 'pizza without pizza' recipe!
Happy to hear you're able to travel a bit further from home now. Not much we can do about rude, aggressive people except try to keep distance.
ResponderEliminarBeautiful, colourful outfits and I love the idea of a pizza without bread. Have a good week and stay safe.
Thanks, Goody!. Hope that my pizza inspires you to create something better!
EliminarWish you a good week too!
Hooray for a return to near-normal life but what a shame there's still idiots out there who refuse to moderate their behaviour and unsettling those considerate people who do.
ResponderEliminarTalking about fabulous clothes and tasty food are the best way to remain positive in such trying situations. I love your me-made kimono top, that groovy yellow basket, the Aztec-y trousers and that wonderful tunic and your dinner, as always, looks absolutely delicious!
I'll be leaving the house alone and going into Walsall town for the first time in three and a half months tomorrow.There was a news report a couple of months ago about how our town centre has become a ghost town populated by gangs of alcoholics and crack addicts, I'm not looking forward to it one bit! xxx
Totally agree about fabulous clothes and tasty food, love your attitude!
EliminarI've never been a huge fan of commercial streets, so it has been easy to keep avoiding them. I'm happy going to the local market and visiting some retailers instead.
I'm so pleased you can get further afield now. As for the stupid people; whatever happens they'll always be around so all you can do is be sensible yourself. Thank goodness they stupids will always be in a minority.
ResponderEliminarYour outfits are lovely; you must cheer so many people up when they see how gorgeous you look. Colourful, stylish and beautifully co ordinated. I loved everything but my favourite was the lovely (patchwork?)floral blouse; so pretty!
Take care
You're totally right, dear Veronica, all we can do is be sensible ourselves!
EliminarGlad you like my outfits, particularly this 'fake patchwork' blouse!
It will be great to be able to get out more freely and further now, we are still slowly doing this here. I just hope they will come down harder on the people who do not adhere to the rules and put others at risk, it really shouldn't be this hard.
ResponderEliminarI love these colours you're wearing. The coral and blue is so gorgeous!! I hope you will enjoy getting out more and the weather will be wonderful for it too. I will be so happy to get out into the nature - distant from others of course but, it will be super!! Besos xx
Lovely comment, dear lady!, I'm glad to know you enjoy the colors!
EliminarTotally agree that going out into the nature is really delightful! and the weather is collaborating nicely!
Oh, I really can imagine you are happy that you are now finally unlocked! Enjoy <3 And I like as usual the colourful outfits you have combined <3
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
It's nice that you can travel a bit further now and things are starting to look a bit more normal, but I agree that even though we can also go out and places are opening up here, it doesn't feel "normal", it feels strange. It bothers me to see people acting like the virus has disappeared, and have stopped social distancing or wearing masks. It's lovely to see your brightly coloured and patterned outfits!
ResponderEliminarI'm sorry to hear other people have been behaving so badly, especially coughing close to you. That's really bad manners.
ResponderEliminarHooray for being able to visit more places! It must really lift your spirits.
We are allowed to travel within our (huge) Province now, which is exciting, but as our region's number one industry is tourism, it's really impacting our economy. We can't rely only on locals to travel (although a lot will), but the US/Canada border is closed - frankly, with the way the US is looking these days, that can stay closed for a long time more!
ResponderEliminarI have given up on trying to remind people to behave in a caring way about others - some people just don't get it! I keep my mouth shut, walk on the street or grass if people won't share the sidewalk, and wear a mask when people are around. Being kind is hard, but necessary!