This red blouse was my first purchase as I was inmediately appealed by its color and nice texture. Viscose!. It feels really fluid, comfortable and fresh!. However I'm considering shortening its sleeves to a three-quarter sleeve or even shorter. Because a summery cloth having long sleeves feels like nonsense to me, doesn't it?.
El mercadillo del domingo abrió hace algunas semanas, con montones de gel hidroalcohólico y las precauciones habituales. Pero you no me había aventurado a ir hasta el fin de semana pasado. Volver a visitar los puestos de segunda mano después de tantos meses se me hizo raro. Pero total, tampoco había mucha gente (fuí bastante temprano) y me alegra decir que todo el mundo llevaba mascarilla y se mantenía a distancia. Sí que eché de menos la habitual charla relajada que suele crearse con otros compradores, mientras se rebusca en el puesto. Pero igualmente estuvo bien estar de vuelta en el mercadillo y pasear un poco bajo los árboles.
Esta blusa roja fue mi primera compra, ya que me atrajo inmediatamente el color y la textura tan suave de la viscosa. Da una sensación muy agradable, fluída y fresca, muy cómoda. Sin embargo estoy considerando acortar las mangas a una manga francesa o incluso un poco más corta, ya que me parece un sinsentido que una prenda tan veraniega tenga manga larga, ¿no os parece?.
- trousers, Festa (old & shortened) / pantalón, de Festa, antigüito y recortado
- sandals, Chiruca (old) / sandalias
- bag, Etsy (old) / bolso
The stuff, as Sheila says.
- bracelet, charity market (old) / brazalete, de mercadillo solidario
- necklace, Sfera (ages ago) / collar, de Sfera, hace siglos
- silver pendant, a present from coworkers, years ago / colgante de plata, un regalo de compañeros de trabajo, hace años.
- earrings, Ciclón (old) / pendientes
- sunnies with prescription glasses by my usual optician (old) / gafas de sol, con cristales graduados, de mi óptica habitual
This is a simple salad we make every summer, a really typical salad, with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, boiled potatoes and eggs and some canned tuna (we prefer some quality tuna in glass jars, in olive oil!). Obviously, the dressing is also olive oil and wine vinegar (sometimes with some mustard!). As a note for my non-spanish readers, we consider olive oil as an essential ingredient. Actually, we buy it in bulk (5 litres carafes, not the small glass bottles). A slice of bread with olive oil is something we usually have for breakfast here in Spain (a traditionally humble breakfast!), so it amazes me when (posh) restaurants abroad serve this as an appetizer. Curious, isn't it?
Esta ensalada sencilla de toda la vida la hacemos cada verano, con lechuga, tomates, zanahorias, patatas y huevos cocidos y un poco de atún en aceite de olvia (del bueno, si es posible!). Claro está, el aliño es de aceite y vinagre, a veces con un toque de mostaza. Para mis lectores no españoles, he hecho algunas aclaraciones sobre el aceite de oliva.
How lovely that you were able to browse at the street market, even if it was a bit strange at first, and certainly not as before. Our markets have resumed as well, but these are mostly regular village markets, selling food and odds and ends. As far as I know, there haven't been any second-hand or flea markets so far. If they do happen, I'll be sure to go first thing in the morning as well. Love the red top you found - such a vibrant colour - and that lovely beaded necklace looks fabulous with it. Your salad looks delicious and I'm hearing you on the olive oil. Most of us are using it as a cupboard staple by now, but bread with olive oil isn't something we would usually eat, except in a posh restaurant ;-) It never ceases to amaze me how culinary habits differ! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarHope that second hand markets open soon!, and it's so much better to visit them early in the morning!, particularly in the summertime!.
EliminarGlad you like my Red top!.
Totally agree that culinary habits are pretty different and amazing!. This is a fascinating subject for me!
I'm so pleased you were able to get to your Sunday market. A little bit more normality for sure. I love your red blouse. Here's an idea if you to shorten the sleeves but also keep them long...intrigued? Well, here goes; you know when you buy shirts/blouses/top they often come with a strip of matching material inside each sleeve? That strip then attaches to a button the outside of the sleeve and enables you fold the sleeves up to be shorter in summer and keep them at full length when its long sleeve weather. You could try doing that; a strip in a different shade of red or even a completely contrasting colour or with a pattern; and an extra button on the sleeve. Hark at me who can't sew for toffee making sewing suggestions to an expert!!
ResponderEliminarTake care
Thank you for your suggestion on adding a strip inside each sleeve, it's an easy sewing job and it can work nicely. I'll give it a try as it's not irreversible (I like this idea!)
That's a beautiful red blouse, and all your accessories are bright and fun.
ResponderEliminarThere was a time that olive oil was mainly used medicinally in the US. My mother believed it was good to swab inside the nose in winter and they sold it in tiny bottles at the pharmacy. She was shocked when people started cooking with it in the 70s. I can't imagine cooking without it, but it is getting terribly expensive even for the lower grades.
Have a good week.
So amazing that olive oil was sold at the pharmacy. Anyway both my grandmas used it as a body moisturizer and hands cream, and today is still used to make soap (and it's a nice soap!).
EliminarSorry that it's an expensive product there!
How lucky you were to find that blouse, it's really stunning. I think I would keep the sleeves as they are and just wear it on cooler days.
ResponderEliminarYears ago when I still lived in England, I wanted to buy some Olive oil, I think to use as Bath oil, we only had baths in those days!! and I remember buying it in Boots the chemist, and it was a very small bottle!!
I suppose it shows what a versatile product Olive oil is, and nowadays It's indispensable in almost any kitchen.
Glad you like it!, it was a lucky find actually! (even if it's two sizes bigger, but I like this oversized style)
EliminarIt's totally amazing that olive oil has been used for so many purposes (even lighting!). It's totally an essential product!
How exciting that your secondhand market is up and running, I'm jealous! I love that red tunic on you and agree, I think it would look even lovelier with three quarter length sleeves so you can show off your bangles.
ResponderEliminarI could live on bread dipped in olive oil, breakfast, dinner and tea! xxx
There are only a few secondhand stalls in the street market!
EliminarNo wonder you've noticed the bangles-showing qualities of three quarter sleeves! You Rock! ;DD
Glad you're such a huge fan of bread & olive oil!, lovely!
I've only started using olive oil for cooking in the past couple of years and now I can't imagine doing without it. I like the colour of that blouse and it looks nice with the long sleeves. The proportions of the blouse may look awkward if you shorten the sleeves but I agree that I would not be wearing anything with long sleeves in the summer.
ResponderEliminarI totally agree about the proportions, this is something I've been pondering!
EliminarAnd I'm glad that olive oil is becoming such an essential ingredient!
Am happy you were able to get out, it's nice to do that after so long, even if we still need to be cautious. You look marvellous as always!!! The salad sounds wonderful. Olive oil is brilliant x
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment, dear lady, you're so lovely and kind!.
That red top is amazing! I like long sleeves on summery tops, as it gives me physical sunblock (I hate wearing sunblock cream!). That colour and the swingy cut are so sweet! I also love those sunnies - they are amazing.
ResponderEliminarYour salad looks so good!
I agree that physical sunblock is fab, but it feels too suffocating in our Hot Summer!. It's something I have to ponder!
EliminarGlad you like my sunnies, I feel very attached to them! (so silly!)