I'm wearing tunics and clamdiggers/capri trousers almost everyday, they are my 'summer uniform'. I also love a floaty maxi dress, but admittedly they are not always the best idea when running errands as I'm notoriously clumsy. Lots of catching on doorknobs and stepping on my own dress. I actually spilled some food on these red trousers and had to rub and soak them to remove the greasy stains!. But I had a good time anyway!
Aunque muchos días ha hecho muchísimo calor y un tiempo pesadísimo, también hay momentos de respiro, días más templados en que se puede salir por ahí por la tarde. Estos días ya sólo salir a hacer recados se vuelve una actividad interesantísima, y hasta ir a la ferretería es todo un acontecimiento.
Me estoy poniendo sobre todo túnicas y pantalón pesquero/capri, son mi 'uniforme de verano'. También me gustan mucho los vestidos largos y flotantes, pero hay que admitir que no son siempre lo mejor para hacer recados, porque soy conocida por mi torpeza. Siempre me engancho en los pomos de las puertas o me tropiezo con mi propio vestido. Sin ir más lejos, me cayó un churrete en los pantalones rojos que llevaba, así que me tocó intentar quitar la mancha de grasa. Pero igualmente lo pasé bien de tapas con Mr.A.

- embroidered tunic, second hand, Sunday street market (old) / túnica bordada
- red clamdiggers, Festa (years ago) / pantalón pesquero, Festa, hace años
- sandals, Chiruca outlet / sandalias
- bag, Nonapapallona / bolsito, de Nonapapallona
This tunic was custom made by a retailer friend (August2015) and has been worn a lot of times since then, the last one on August2019. Totally a summer uniform!
Esta túnica me la hicieron a medida en una tienda amiga (Agosto2015) y la he llevado un montón desde entonces, la última vez el agosto pasado aquí. ¡Es un verdadero uniforme de verano!

- trousers, clearance sale, shortened (old) / pantalones, de una liquidación, recortados
- sandals, Chiruca outlet / sandalias
- bag, probably retail, bought it fifteen years ago? / bolsito, de alguna tienda local, lo compré hace unos quince años.
Courgettes omelette for dinner (not a spanish omelette, but pretty similar only lighter!) and some cheese, olives and bread. Everything came from our local market!.
Tortilla de calabacín para cenar (más ligera que la tortilla de patatas!) con un poco de queso, aceitunas y un pan bueno. Todo del mercado, producto local!.
More local products: our weekly booty of peaches and nectarines that we purchase directly from the producer. And it's also tomato season!
Más producto local: nuestra compra semanal de melocotones y nectarinas directas del productor. Y además, ¡tomates!.
Hope you're safe and as fabulous as possible!
Espero que sigáis todo lo estupendos que se pueda.
That's a great summer uniform-can't go wrong with a tunic and clam diggers. I can't take my eyes off that cheese! I had to give it up, and oh how I miss it. Hope it cools down soon.
ResponderEliminarGlad you like my 'uniform', it's nothing new but I think it works!.
EliminarI still can eat goat/sheep cheese (many spanish cheeses are this kind) so I'm grateful!. But no butter and no cream, Never!. I'm intolerant to lactose!.
And yes to some cooling down temperatures!
Clam-diggers and lightweight summer tunics are perfect Summer attire. Like you, I am clumsy and tripping over the hem of maxi skirts is something that happens to me all the time :-) It's a relief to have some cooler but still warm and summery days, so that you can literally take a breather, and go for walks in the evenings. The omelette looks mouthwateringly delicious, and nothing beats fresh fruit and veg bought directly from the producer! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarClumsiness and maxi skirts, they don't mix well!, I always have problems with stairs and office wheel chairs (stairs are evil!).
EliminarAnd I'm happy to take a breath, go for a walk in the evenings, and also happy to sleep properly in the nights!. This makes a difference!
Glad you're also a huge fan of veggies from the producer!
Aaaah that fruit! Our supermarkets here import fruit way too early, so it's small and hard and tasteless... every time I'm in Spain I buy peaches because they're so much nicer. The courgette tortilla look delicious too - my husband often makes one when we have too many courgettes.
ResponderEliminarI like your tunic and clamdigger 'uniform', it looks cool and elegant, but also ready for fun.
Most of the fruit in the supermarkets is also small, hard and tasteless here too (but sometimes we have to resign to buy it anyway!). Love that you enjoy peaches when you're in Spain, it makes me happy when people like Real Food!.
EliminarGlad you like my outfits!, I'd like to be always ready for fun! ;D
Now I know what to do with those courgettes I've grown! I wish I could join you for lunch, it looks delicious and like Mim, I'm drooling over the fruit!
ResponderEliminarBoth your hot weather outfits look fabulous, colourful, effortlessly stylish. xxx
Love to share some simple recipes and ideas for cooking vegetables!.
EliminarAnd glad you like these outfits, you're so kind!
These are both fabulous outfits, with the first one "winning" in my opinion. I like the strong contrast with the red + black/white, although the aqua mask and purse in the second are awesome. So nicely matchy! Your dinner is the perfect summer meal. Those peaches and nectarines look amazing! They grow well here too - we had a peach tree in our yard when I was a kid, and I have memories of peaches the size of softballs.