I've been getting out and about in the mornings when possible, and asking Mr.A. to take photos of whatever I wear. Obviously, everything I've worn last days is lightweight, breathable and comfortable. Lots of breezy cotton and viscose. Also lots of bright colors, because they make me feel better. Color Therapy!. (If you feel fab in neutral colors and minimal accessorizing, grab them and go, enjoy and be yourself!).
Ha hecho un calor sofocante pero también con tormentas a todo lo largo de la semana pasada, que es algo realmente incómodo. Y también muy raro que en agosto llueva tanto. Pero ya deberíamos irnos acostumbrando a que el tiempo esté loco en todas las estaciones.
Siempre que he podido he salido por las mañanas, he seguido con mi vida diaria, y he conseguido sacarme alguna foto de lo que llevaba. Evidentemente, todo lo que he llevado estos últimos días era ligero, transpirable y cómodo. Montones de algodón vaporoso y viscosa. Y también montones de colores vivos, porque es lo que me anima. Color como terapia. Aunque si a tí lo que te va son los colores neutros y los accesorios minimalistas, disfruta mucho siendo tú misma, que es lo que importa.

- beach tunic, second hand at Sunday Street market (old) / túnica de playa, de segunda mano del mercadillo
- red trousers, Festa (years ago) / pantalón rojo, de hace años
- sandals, Chiruca outlet (old) / sandalias
- beads, Aïta (lots of years ago) / collar de bolitas, de hace siglos
- mask, Nonapapallona local design!/ mascarilla, Nonapapallona diseño local!

I'm feeling really tired due to the high temperatures. And I'm also keeping myself away from my computer (it's too hot near it!) so I'm sorry that my commenting and blogging are being left behind. I don't have air conditioning in my 'crafty room' where my computer and sewing machine live, so I'm considering that I have to move my stuff to the living room and create a crafty corner there. Air conditioning becomes really addictive when it's up to 37ºC for weeks (around 100ºF) and you have to stay at home, closed blinds, until it cools down (some days this happens only in the early morning). Summer is not an outdoorsy season here!. And this year I'm not escaping to the swimming pool, as I usually do, because I don't feel comfortable having people around (call me squeamish!).
Anyway I'm going through August (my least favourite month of the year) and trying to make the most of it, enjoying some relaxing time, walking and reading a lot. Hope you're managing it well!
- dress, clearance sale (old) / vestido, de un outlet-liquidación
- leggings, La Redoute (old)
- sandals, Chiruca outlet (old) / sandalias
- bag, Nonapapallona local design! / bolsito, Nonapapallona comercio local
Estoy bastante cansada por culpa de las altas temperaturas. Y también me estoy quedando bien lejos del ordenador, que da mucho calor, y siento mucho haber dejado de lado el comentar y hacer vida bloguera. Como no tengo aire acondicionado en el cuartito donde tengo el ordenador (y la máquina de coser), he pensado que tengo que mover todo a la sala y crearme un rincón para mis actividades 'creativas'. Me estoy volviendo adicta al aire acondicionado después de tener 37ºC o más durante semanas, teniendo que quedarse en casa con las persianas cerradas hasta que refresca (que a veces es de madrugada, o nunca!). Por aquí, el verano no es esa época tan bonita para actividades al aire libre.
Y este año ni siquiera estoy yendo a la piscina cuando hace calor, porque me desmotiva mucho la actitud de la gente (podéis llamarme aprensiva!)
Así que estoy sobrellevando agosto, que es el mes que menos me gusta, y trato de sacarle partido al asunto, relajadamente, paseando cuando se puede, y leyendo un montón. ¡Espero que lo estéis llevando bien!

- new pair of sunnies (prescription glasses) / Nuevo par de gafas de sol (graduadas!)
- dress, second hand, Sunday Street market (bought it last summer and it has become a favourite!) / vestido, de segunda mano, del mercadillo del domingo (comprado el verano pasado, es uno de mis favoritos hoy en día)
- necklace, vintage, a present by Sacramento / collar, vintage, un regalo de Sacramento

New sunnies and frown! I don't enjoy to stay in the sun! / Mis nuevas gafas de sol, esta vez con ceño fruncido, porque estoy a pleno sol!
- shirt, second hand, Sunday street market, some weeks ago / camisa, de segunda mano del mercadillo, de hace unas semanas
- trousers, same but two years ago! / pantalones, lo mismo, pero de hace dos años
- sneakers, Nike outlet (old) / zapatillas
- mask, retail (local business) / mascarilla, de un negocio local
Hi!, very hot here too with temperatures above 38°C and above. You have chosen very beautiful and "Vitaminic" colors! I love your blue bag!! It is important to feel good to spend these day peacefully!
ResponderEliminarGood Summer!
Thanks, I love these Vitaminic Colors idea!, you're really lovely!
EliminarHave a fab summer!
It's been suffocatingly hot here too. The weather was supposed to break today, but it didn't. In fact, it was hotter than yesterday, when there were clouds and we had a thunderstorm at night. I've been wearing my lightest clothes and they always include colour too, as that makes me happy same as you! Your first outfit is my particular favourite, the red trousers compliment that gorgeous beach tunic perfectly! The maxi dress certainly is another favourite. The necklace you're wearing with it is absolutely stunning! I love seeing your masks too - treating them as yet another accessory and making sure to have lots of choice is making wearing them slightly more bearable. I love the locally bought turquoise one with the fruit pattern! Hopefully the next days bring some cooler weather for both of us. Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarWe have some respite days now, as the massive thunderstorms (and rain) have cooled down the atmosphere. I'm enjoying this!
EliminarGlad you like my beach tunic and maxi dress and matchy masks, actually they make a difference. Totally agree that wearing a cute mask is making the situation more bearable.
Thank you for your comment!
Despite the temperatures you look as cool as anything in your fabulous outfits. That blue maxi dress looks particularly good on you and I love how you've coordinated your masks to your outfits to make them a feature rather than a hindrance.
ResponderEliminarThe toe nail colour is fabulous, blue nails rock!!
Unlike almost everyone else in the UK I absolutely love hot weather and have been loving our 35°C heat, I never wanted it to end but of course, it had to. I was born in the wrong country! xxx
Glad you like my dress: it was such a bargain (3€)and it's so comfortable and floaty!. I'm loving your masks too, and this has encouraged me to sew myself some colorful masks!
EliminarBlue nails rock indeed!
Sometimes I feel that I was born in the wrong country too, particularly in the summertime when I think on moving to Iceland. But I like spanish autumn and spring!
We have had some impressive thunderstorms here in the past two weeks, but it hasn't been as hot as it was in July for which I've very grateful. Like you, I have also been coordinating my masks to my outfits - we'll likely be wearing them for a while, so we might as well consider them an accessory. I love your blue print maxi dress.
ResponderEliminarGlad that it's cooling down there too, as I know you don't enjoy high temperatures.
EliminarTotally love that you've been wearing matchy masks, Great Minds!. And you're right, if we have to wear them, let's do it in style!. I think that this attitude and keeping myself focused in colors and accessorizing is making the difference.
Hope you're having a cool summer!
Wow, that's hot! I thought we had it bad with our heatwave. Rain is such a mixed blessing in summer, we need it but then it just makes everything feel hotter.
ResponderEliminaryou've found some lovely outfits to wear despite the awful weather.
Wishing you cool weather. Stay safe and well.
You have nailed it, dear Goody, summer rain is nice but then it makes everything feel hotter because of humidity!. I hate this humid hot weather (actually I hate sweating!)
EliminarDressing up in a heatwave is sometimes difficult!, glad you like my outfits!
Wish you cool weather back!
Hola!!!! Yo he estado una semana en el pueblo de mi marido y me he muerto, Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz, 45 grados, con la edad no soportó el calor, todo el día sudando cualquier esfuerzo resulta agotador, cuando llegue a Madrid, a mi aire acondicionado resucite!!!! He tardado 3 días en recuperarme de los 27 golpes de calor que he tenido. Sigue así!!!!
ResponderEliminarmadre mía, eso sí que es calor!, una se pregunta cómo es posible la vida en semejantes temperaturas!!. Y da gracias por el aire acondicionado!, sí!
So many fabulous outfits here - all this glorious colour just makes me so happy. Colour therapy is real! (of course, if people want to wear neutrals, power to 'em, but why would you pick black or beige when you could wear magenta or turquoise?).
ResponderEliminarI love all your coordinating masks, Monica! They look fabulous. I hope you get a reprieve from the heat soon!
Hurrah for Colour Therapy! and I'd pick magenta or turquoise, inmediately!
EliminarGlad you like my masks, this improves my mood!
Thank you for commenting!
I really like your outfits - lots of turquoise, and that's such a happy colour. It must make the people around you feel cheerful too.