He estado poniéndome algunas de mis prendas favoritas, decidida a no dejarlas guardadas para las ocasiones. Este vestido de estampado jungla suele estar siempre en mi maleta cuando voy de vacaciones, es fácil de superponer, fácil de lavar y no se arruga nada. Perfecto para una noche cálida en una terraza junto al mar (suspiro). Sin embargo, no me lo pongo nunca en verano, aunque el estampado sea veraniego, porque es de poliéster, incomodísimo en el calor. Así que en realidad es un vestido de entretiempo y suelo llevarlo con alguna camiseta o cuello vuelto por debajo.

- dress, second hand, eBay (old) / vestido, segunda mano, eBay
- turtleneck, retail (old) / cuello vuelto, tienda local
- chanelesque jacket, charity shop (old) / chaqueta chanelera, de Cáritas
- boots, treksta (old) / botitas
- coat, Seasalt / abrigo
- necklace, Ciclón / collar
- brooch, made by me / broche, hecho por mí
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
La semana pasada tuvimos unos días fríos, incluso con nieve en los montes cercanos. Ahora tenemos temperaturas más templadas y lluvia, así que la nieve se ha fundido y el río ha inundado los sotos y riberas bajas como cada otoño-invierno. ¡Un clima totalmente normal! y a los patos parece que les gusta.
Hope you a nice (and safe) week!
Espero que tengáis una semana estupenda.
So festive! I love the idea of wearing tropical prints in the winter to remind us that summer will return.
Keeping summer in mind!, thanks for your comments!
EliminarThat dress looks so good with your posh new coat, the colours are fabulous and my cheer up anyone who sees you.
ResponderEliminarLove the ducks! xxx
I'm realising that there is a lot of green color in my wardrobe!
EliminarIt was difficult to take a pic of these ducks, as they were showing their tails almost all the time.
Your jungle print dress is perfect to brighten up even the greyest and rainiest of days, Monica! It does look equally well, perhaps even better, in Winter than it does in Summer. I'm hearing you on its polyester knit fabric, though, so wearing it now layered with a turtleneck sounds the most sensible thing to do :-) Loving the rainbow striped mask too! xxx
ResponderEliminarLove a jungle print and how it cheers me up!, and so glad that you like its winter version too!.
EliminarI know you're an expert on this fabric and its advantages and disadvantages!, ;DDD, loving your witty remarks!
You look like summer in the winter! Gorgeous colours and pattern yet you look cosy and warm.
Glad you like it, dear Veronica!, I'm trying to keep my mood high and wear colours as much as possible!
Eliminar"Lovely weather for ducks" is something we say here too! It rains a lot!
ResponderEliminarI love your wonderful dress all layered up for chilly weather. Your facemask is such a great match!
I always enjoy some weather talk ;DD. I like some typically british expressions like this!
EliminarLovely to hear that you like my layering, that's really nice!, and my facemask was handmade by me, not perfect but good enough!
Love a bold print in wintertime! I'm still in love with your handbag.
ResponderEliminarTotally agree about bold prints!.
EliminarI'm loving so much this bag that I plan to buy another one (in a different colour) when possible!
That is such a fab print on that dress, it's a good thing the fabric is heavy enough that you can wear it in the cold weather too.
ResponderEliminarThat dress has fabulous colours. I can see how knit fabric is too much for summer weather. Good that it can brighten winter instead!