Every winter some people look surprised by this completely normal weather and run to the mountains 'to see the snow', collapsing the roads and causing all kind of problems (and having to be rescued). I can understand nature lovers who really enjoy the snow and are usually sensible. But this is not the case, as these people decide to drive through mountain roads without carrying snow chains in their cars, and wearing just a fleece. Then they ask to be immediately rescued. Which is not possible because they have blocked the road which have to be used by rescue services.
This is just a variation on the same theme, the stupid individualistic behaviour that we have seen through the last months.
He estado en casa varios días, tomándome un descanso, y tampoco me interesa especialmente salir a pasear/resbalarme sobre la nieve a medio deshacer. Hemos tenido una nevadita ligera en la ciudad y ni siquiera ha durado, pero todavía se ve un manto blanco sobre los montes cercanos. Como cada invierno, hay gente que se sorprende porque hace el tiempo que toca, osea frío y nieve, y tiene que subirse al monte 'a ver la nieve', colapsando las carreteras y causando problemas (sobre todo cuando tienen que ser rescatados). Puedo entender que haya amantes de la naturaleza a los que les encanta la nieve y son normalmente gente prudente con sentido común. Pero no es este el caso, porque esta gente decide conducir por carreteras de montaña sin llevar cadenas en el coche, y llevando un forro polar para abrigarse. Luego piden que los rescaten inmediatamente. Pero no es posible porque la carretera por la que acuden los equipos de rescate es la que ellos mismos han bloqueado con sus coches.
Esto es simplemente otra variación del habitual comportamiento estúpidamente individualista que hemos visto estos últimos meses. Y así con todo. I'm not a huge fan of winter, but I'm lucky enough to live in a place where the winters are quite short, just a few months!. Anyway, I think it's better to keep on wearing whatever make us feel fab, including colours, even if nobody is going to see it, as we're all wrapped up in our warmer coats. Actually people just can see my eyes, and only when my glasses are not foggy!. So I'm wearing eyeshadows more frequently, and thinking on indulge myself with a new palette (for the first time in decades!) No soy muy amante del invierno, pero tengo la suerte de vivir en un lugar con inviernos cortos, sólo unos pocos meses. Y de todos modos, pienso que es mejor seguir poniéndose lo que sea que nos guste, incluyendo colores, aunque nadie lo vaya a ver, ya que vamos enfundados en los abrigos. En realidad la gente sólo me ve los ojos, y eso cuando no llevo las gafas empañadas. Así que me estoy poniendo sombras de ojos más a menudo, y pensando en renovarme con una nueva paleta de colores, por primera vez en décadas.
- denim skirt, ages ago / falda vaquera, de hace siglos
- t-shirt, second hand, sunday street market / camiseta, del mercadillo del domingo, de segunda mano
- snag tights (queen vic colour) / medias snag, color queen vic
- shoes, Chiruca outlet / zapatillas
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
- raincoat, Seasalt / abrigo impermeable, Seasalt
Estos son mis geranios que siguen floreciendo, ignorando el frío. Y los ciclamen y violas están sobreviviendo. Buenas noticias!. Hope you're keeping safe and as fabulous as possible!
Espero que sigáis sanos y todo lo estupendos que sea posible!
I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to go out walking in that ice and snow. I don't understand those crazy people who rush off to the mountains so ill-prepared and selfishly expecting the emergency services to rescue them, as if they're not already under pressure. There really are some idiots about and it's a relief that they don't all live in England!
ResponderEliminarThat denim skirt looks fabulous, you've got such good legs. Love all the shades of blue under your fabulous coat. I'm wearing eyeshadow every day, too - even if only the cats and Jon get to see me. It makes me happy!
Your flowers are doing so well, they look beautiful. I bet they cheer you up and remind you that Spring isn't too far away! xxx
Dear Vix, I'm less than happy to agree with you!. People keep going to the mountains, despite all the warnings and despite the weather is worse.
EliminarI'm glad that this mini skirt was not into the donation bag, as it's really versatile. I'm feeling like wearing mini skirts once more. And eyeshadows!
Thanks for your comment, flowers are really cheerful!
I feel the same way as you do about winter. And I also live in a place where winter is short and it almost never snows. Love the happy colors in your outfit. The turquoise tights are fabulous!
Thank you, I'm glad that you love some happy colours!
Che belle foto!! I colori dell'inverno e la natura che sembra trasformarsi in un dipinto...Che belli i tuoi gerani e i ciclamini..Mi piacciono le tue scelte di vestiti in Blu!! Ancora Auguri di un sereno anno nuovo..
ResponderEliminarAbbracci, Carmela
EliminarMe alegra que te gusten estos colores Azules y mis flores!
Feliz Año Nuevo!
I'm definitely hearing you on those crazy people going into the mountains just for a bit of snow! It snowed in the Ardennes here in Belgium and the roads were choc-a-bloc with people driving up there, most of them without snow chains, obviously! They had to close off the roads to the area as people kept flocking there, even after they were told to stay away! Here in our part of Belgium we haven't had snow yet, but it has been forecasted. I too wear eyeshadow every day, even if no one but Jos sees me. And look at those tenacious geraniums! I bet they will bloom until Spring and then start all over again. We had some that did that last year! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarYou're looking fabulous in your colourful attire, and you certainly do suit that denim mini skirt!
I'm really amazed by the way those crazy people manage to hurt themselves (and others) doing whatever they fancy, without giving a shit!
EliminarI've been playing with my makeup these days and it's so funny. I had forgot it!.
Tenacious Geraniums, this is a good description!. I like them!
Glad that my mini skirt is receiving compliments, I feel quite sassy in it! ;DD
It's very sensible not to walk in ice and snow unless you have the right gear. I do wonder about people who try to climb mountains and hills here,too, dressed totally inappropriately and having to call out the Rescue Services. Grrrr!
ResponderEliminarIt's interesting that the lockdown has introduced us to new things, new styles and new purchases; yours being a new eyeshadow palette. Go on treat yourself!
You look lovely in all your blues. I don't think I've ever seen you in a short skirt before but you do look fab! I also love that scarf; such a beautiful colour and a wonderful pattern.
Happy New year!
Actually, it's totally stupid to go to the mountains or woods without even thinking on wearing appropriate clothes and shoes.
EliminarThe lockdown is changing our minds, isn't it?. Hope it will bring some good things too!.
I like mini skirts and I'm thinking on wearing them more frequently. Probably because I've been told that miniskirts are not age appropriate. ;DDD
love this symphony of blues and greens and patterns and textures! bravo! please show the eyeshadow palette when you got it!
ResponderEliminaras for the "salon tiroler" - we have them here the whole year: going into our mountains in sneakers, without knowing what they do. leaving the regular path - ´cause its "cool" - then losing track and mind and calling the mountain watch. or making a fire on the dry peat soil which causes long lasting forest fires. not to speak of the tons of litter.....
stay warm! xxxx
Mwhaha, you made me laugh about the 'salon tiroler', that's a great description of a stupid behaviour. The rescue services have to deal with these people all the time. And forest fires are a big problem here every summer.
EliminarThanks for your comment, you're very kind!
We get so much snow it wouldn't take much to see it. I don't know what's wrong with people but I suspect phones give people a false sense of security/confidence. Maybe something to do with the conquering nature rhetoric.
ResponderEliminarAnyway, you're wise to stay home and you're looking fabulous.
Stay safe.
Totally agree that some people think they're safe because they have a mobile phone. And obviously they think that nature is totally domesticated, like walking on an urban park. So unrealistic!
EliminarHope you're staying safe too!
Hola!!! muchas gracias por la bienvenida!!!
ResponderEliminarHe visto fotos de Logroño y alrededores y son preciosas , con la nieve de fondo,. Espero que pase pronto y que no paséis mucho frio. Aunque veo que a tus plantas, no les ha afectado mucho.
EliminarLa nevada no ha sido para tanto, una capa ligera y en dos días se había ido todo. Curiosamente, hace mucho más frío en el centro del país que aquí más al norte!
The snow around Madrid has been on the news a lot here. I'm glad it's not as bad where you are. I don't mind looking at it, but hate going anywhere in it - too cold and wet, and I always worry about falling over and injuring myself. Your shoes look like a good choice in it.
ResponderEliminarThose geraniums are lovely. They always make me think of Spain.
As a notoriously clumsy person, I'm always worry about slipping on ice or snow!. So I prefer some sensible shoes!
EliminarMadrid is still under a massive blanket of snow, half a metre, and it takes time to melt down!. Curiously, the centre of the country is covered in snow (and ice, as it is -10ºC) and we're not having any problem in the north, where we're used to have snow every winter!. Crazy weather!
Love that geraniums make you think of Spain. They make me feel summery and happy!
That happens here too - we live in very similar climates, I think. Stoopid people!
ResponderEliminarI am a fan of amping up the eye make-up when wearing masks! Go for a nice bright palette - I know you love aqua! I also like fuchsia pink eyeshadow, which makes green/hazel eyes pop.