You know I usually revamp my clothes by myself, but this time I wanted something professionally made. So I took my dress to a local designer who paints t-shirts and jackets and sell some fabulous stuff too, and who is also a huge fan of second hand clothes!. She is at Ramonak Workshop and Ramonak Instagram. Now I have a dress which is not 'nice' and I'm totally happy with it, enthusiastic indeed!. I've payed it with my own money, it's not a sponsored post, I just want to support local business!. And creativity!
Have you ever take your clothes to be professionally revamped?.
Hay ocasiones en que la ropa de segunda mano, igual que cualquier otra, necesita algunos ajustes, arreglos menores, mientras que otras veces encuentras un vestido de tu talla, en colores que te gustan y en punto de viscosa, un golpe de suerte. Este vestido fue uno de estos golpes de suerte, y estaba contenta cuando lo encontré en el mercadillo del domingo, un vestido que me pareció 'bien' (¡y me costó 3€). Pero resulta que 'bien' no es lo que me apetece tener en mi armario a veces.
Ya sabéis que normalmente me ocupo yo misma de hacerles arreglos o 'mejoras' a mi ropa, pero esta vez preferí un trabajo más profesional. Así que se lo llevé al taller de una diseñadora que pinta sus diseños en camisetas y chaquetas y vende cosas muy chulas además, y también es muy fan de la ropa de segunda mano, Ramonak Workshop y Ramonak Instagram. Ahora tengo un vestido que no está 'bien', ¡es que me entusiasma!. Esto no está patrocinado ni nada, lo pago con mi dinerito, y sólo es que me gusta apoyar al comercio local. Y la creatividad.
¿Alguna vez habéis llevado ropa a arreglar por profesionales?.
- dress, second hand / vestido de segunda mano
- red coat, La Redoute (old) / abrigo rojo
- tights, Snag / medias
- sneakers, Adidas outlet (old) / zapatillas
- bag, Emily The Strange (ages ago) / bolso, antigüito
- necklace, Ciclón (old) / colgante
- beads, artisan market (old) / collar de bolas, de un mercadillo artesano
- bracelets, old / pulseras antigüitas también
- mask by Nonapapallona / mascarilla
Este es el mismo vestido, en marzo, antes de ser 'customizado'. Me lo puse sólo un día y lo dejé. Ahora es una cosa totalmente diferente, en mi opinión.
Have a fabulous weekend (and keep yourselves safe!)
Espero que paséis un fin de semana estupendo (y que tengáis cuidado).
that revamp is totally gorgeous!
ResponderEliminarthe dress turned from *nice* (aka meh in our books ;-D) to something very cool and artsy. love that you have it done by a local artist!
in 2003 i gave a length of white blouse material to a calligraph - she hand wrote pieces of a love poem with a brush and dark gray paint all over it in big scale....... the blouses i tailored from it sold like sliced bread....
horray for fashion as an art form! xxxxx
wow, very kind of you!, totally agree about 'nice' being 'meh', ;DDD
EliminarI'd love to wear one of these blouses with some hand wrote calligraphy, so original and inspiring!. Actually, most people appreciate creativity and art, even if we have been told other thing!
Wow! that revamp is utterly wonderful and so you, I love it! xxx
ResponderEliminarThank you, Vix, glad you love it!, I'm really happy with this dress!
Talk about a revamp: the "nice" dress has been totally transformed into something totally unique to befit your style! No wonder you're waxing lyrical about that local designer. I never had a piece of clothing revamped, but then again I would first have to come across someone as talented as your designer. Wishing you a great Saturday evening and Sunday, Monica! Besos xxx
ResponderEliminarSo lovely comment, totally agree that having something unique makes my heart sing!
EliminarI like to support a local business, they are so useful and keep our city lively!
Wooo! I love what the designer did to your dress - it's much more "You" now! I have painted a couple of pairs of jeans myself but I recently sent a jumpsuit and skirt off to a "professional" who does screen-printing to "jazz them up" so I can't wait to see the results.
ResponderEliminarYour painted jeans have been an inspiration!, I'm also a huge fan of Mel's revamped clothes, so both you are my Masters!. So lovely that you've decided to take some clothes to a professional, hope they look fabulously jazzed up!
Oh yes!!! That's a fantastic addition to an already beautiful dress. You're giving me all sorts of ideas for my own wardrobe.
ResponderEliminarThank you, Goody, I love to know that this dress is giving you all sorts of ideas! ;DD
Oh, this is SO YOU! I love the new skull on it - it completely changes the vibe to a rock and roll/badass look. Very much Emily and Nightmare Before Christmas!