Hemos tenido un puente larguísimo, ya que el lunes y el miércoles fueron festivos (el Día de la Constitución y la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción, esa mezcla de las fiestas laicas y religiosas que nos caracteriza, y que para mucha gente son el preludio de las vacaciones navideñas). Aprovechamos para visitar a mis padres un par de días, ya que todos estamos requetevacunados y además nos hicimos pruebas de las que venden en farmacias, por si acaso (evidentemente dieron negativo). Luego estuvo lloviendo casi todo el tiempo. Y hablando del tiempo, decidimos adelantar el regreso para evitar las nevadas que estaban previstas por la tarde (y el tráfico también). Creo que este largo fin de semana ha sido bueno para los esquiadores al menos.
This is what I wore last week, my 1€ skirt from the Sunday street market, with some orange and purple-violet colours. These shoes were a recent purchase and they have become my favourite ones (comfy and WaterProof!)
Esto es lo que me puse la semana pasada, mi falda de 1€ del mercadillo del domingo, con unos colores naranja y morados. Los zapatos han sido una reciente adquisición y ya son de mis favoritos, porque no sólo son cómodos, es que además son a prueba de lluvia.
- coat, Seasalt (last winter) / abrigo
- crochet cardi and beret (old) / chaqueta y boina de ganchillo
- striped t-shirt, CandA (old) / camiseta rayas
- cork bag, Fine Cork Portugal / bolso de corcho
- felt brooch, a present (old) / broche de fieltro, un regalo
- tights, Snag (figgy puddin) / medias, snag
- shoes, Camper / zapatos
Next day I wore another skirt but similar colour combo, I'm a huge fan of orange-yellow-purple combos!. This skirt was sewed by me, years ago, using some african wax printed fabric (also a huge fan of them!).
El siguiente día me puse otra falda distinta pero una combinación de colores parecida, porque soy muy fan de estos tonos naranja-amarillo con morados. La falda es de costura casera, la hice hace años con una tela africana de estampado a la cera, también soy muy fan de estas telas.
- cardi, eBay (ages ago) / chaquetita punto, antiquísima
- purple shirt, Evans (old) / camisa morada
- skirt, sewed by me (african wax fabric) years ago / falda, hecha por mí, con tela africana, hace años
- tights, HYD (old) / medias
- crochet scarf-thing / bufandita de ganchillo
- brooch, by Paesica / broche
Views from my window, a week ago. Now I can barely see anything, but those mountains are completely covered in snow for sure.
Vistas desde mi ventana, la semana pasada. Ahora mismo apenas se ve nada, pero esos montes estarán cubiertos de nieve, seguro.
This is what I've worn this morning to go to work after the (really) long weekend. And this is my aspect when walking to work, well wrapped in my coat, scarf, hat and mask!. Then only two people have seen me (from a safe distance) at my office, but I keep dressing up and wearing lipstick.
Now that I see it in the photos, I think that this ensemble is not completely Me, probably I'll add more colour next time, maybe orange-rusty tights?
Esto es lo que me he puesto esta mañana para ir a trabajar después del puente festivo. Y este es el aspecto que tengo cuando voy caminando a trabajar, bien tapada con el abrigo, bufanda, gorro y mascarilla. Luego sólo dos personas me han visto en la oficina (y desde cierta distancia, claro), pero yo sigo arreglándome (dentro de lo que cabe) e incluso llevando lápiz de labios.
Ahora que veo las fotos pienso que este conjunto no es muy propio de mí, puede que añada más color la próxima vez, unas medias naranja quizás?

- waterproof coat, Seasalt Cornwall / abrigo impermeable
- dress, Asos (decades old) / vestido, de hace décadas
- jacket, retail (old) / chaqueta, de tienda local
- boots, DrMartens (old) / botas
- pendant, a present by mom / colgante, un regalo de mi madre
- scarf, a present (old) / bufanda, un regalo, antigüita
- crochet beret / boina de ganchillo
Espero que todas sigáis bien y pasándolo lo mejor posible!
What fab outfits! I love the African print skirts - and the wonderful colours. The new shoes look very cool. I loved your jacket in the last outfit; it looks like what I call 'a really useful item'. The doll (?) on the pendant was so sweet...
ResponderEliminarSorry to hear about your horrible weather but those mountains look astonishing!
Thanks, Veronica!, lovely that you also love African prints!. Actually the pendant is a doll made of ceramic paste, very detailed, she even has a cute hairstyle. But she's massive and heavy!
What a view!
ResponderEliminarIt's lovely that you were able to visit your parents. Thank goodness for vacinations and tests to put our minds at rest.
Fabuolous outfits. The waxed cotton skirt is gorgeous as is the jacket in the second outfit, such fab colours. xxx
Thanks, Vix, it has been really lovely to visit my parents without (too many) worries.
you rock this colour palette!!
ResponderEliminarwonderful warm yet bright tones - and i love all the patterns going on..... and what sweet and whimsical jewelry!
glad you could spend some family time!
the mountain view is stunning - i would have be on skis the whole long weekend :-D
Glad you like the colours and patterns, dear Beate!, it makes me happy!
EliminarI know you'd love these mountains and snow!, we have a sky resort nearby but never gone!
First of all, I am incredibly envious of the view from your window! It's wonderful that you were able to visit your parents, even if you had to come back earlier due to the threat of snow.
ResponderEliminarYour outfits are a true sight for sore eyes. You do rock both of those skirts, and I love the oranges, yellows and gorgeous purples you paired them with.
I'm hearing you on the final outfit - although it is still gorgeous - but your blue Dr Martens and that delightful necklace gifted to you by your Mum, do redeem the whole outfit.
I always dress up and wear lipstick to the office too, even if only one disinterested person sees me. Surely, we dress up mostly for ourselves, don't we? Besos xxx
Mwhaha, dear Anne, my views are the best part of living in this flat!
EliminarGlad that you loved these colours, which are some favourite of both of us, so this is a specially lovely compliment!
Totally agree that we dress up mostly for ourselves, lovely! ;D
We had an incredibly wind storm here yesterday, and our temperatures have been up and down, with rain one day and snow the next. I'm so happy to see those fab turquoise docs are still in your closet. You have such a delightful brooch collection!
ResponderEliminarThe weather is becoming a major issue!.
EliminarAnd my turquoise docs can enhance any dull outfit, sometimes I think I need more and more docs in every possible colour (no, I don't, but I can dream!). Same for colourful sneakers.
It's winter now for sure! We just came out of a storm ourselves, perfect time to brighten things up with purple tights!
ResponderEliminarHello, dear Joni!, glad to read your comment, so lovely!. Totally agree that we need to brighten things up with colour and Fun!
It must have been lovely to see your parents, rain or no rain. I bet they were really pleased to see you.
ResponderEliminarI'm staying safe, and staying fabulous!