However, I totally understand the comfort and ease of use of jeans as a daily uniform, as they're versatile and can fit into a plethora of styles, casual or elegant, flamboyant or minimal. Only that I've never felt appealed by them, until recently, when I was lucky to find some pairs of jeans at my usual second hand stalls. When thrifting goddesses send me something, I just try to make the most of it. This pair of jeans was by H&M 'sustainable', had their labels still attached, by the pricey sum of 2€, and fit me perfectly despite they being boyfriend cut and low waist (which are both styles supposedly not flattering on my shape). I wore them with a red jacket and red sneakers, which is a classic combo (in my book). Anyway, I'm not particularly happy with the rips, they're uncomfortable when sitting and my knees get cold!. Some visible mending tutorials are inspiring me to try a sashiko embroidery/mending technique (do I love a ridiculously time consuming craft? Yesss). So this is going to receive some embellishment!
De nuevo estoy fuera de mi 'zona de confort', porque me he puesto jeans (insertar gesto de asombro!). En toda mi vida, he tenido sólo unos pocos pares de pantalones vaqueros, nunca me han gustado mucho. Incluso en mis épocas juveniles y rebeldes cuando los vaqueros se consideraban 'guays', no los llevaba, prefería pitillos de loneta negra.
Sin embargo también entiendo la comodidad y facilidad de ponerse unos vaqueros como uniforme diario, son muy versátiles y se ajustan a casi cualquier estilo, relajado o elegante, minimalista o extravagante. Sólo que yo nunca les he visto la gracia, hasta que recientemente he encontrado unos cuantos vaqueros chulos en mis habituales puestos de ropa de segunda mano. Y estas rachas hay que aprovecharlas. Este par de pantalones son de H&M 'sostenible', tenían hasta la etiqueta puesta, por la enorme suma de 2€, y me quedan bien a pesar de que son de corte 'boyfriend' y de cintura baja (dos estilos que supuestamente no sientan bien a mi figura). Me los puse con una chaqueta roja y zapatillas rojas, una combinación clásica. De todos modos, no me hacen especialmente feliz los rotos, son incómodos en cuanto te sientas y te entra mucho frío en las rodillas. Así que, como he visto unos tutoriales de bordado-remendado estilo sashiko, voy a intentarlo aquí y darle otro aire a este pantalón. ¡Es impresionante cómo me gusta un proyecto ridículamente trabajoso y largo!

- raincoat, Seasalt Cornwall (last winter) / impermeable, del invierno pasado
- red jacket, second hand, Sunday street market / chaqueta roja, de segunda mano, del mercadillo del domingo
- striped t-shirt, C&A (old) / camiseta de rayas
- sneakers, adidas outlet (old) / zapatillas
- cork bag, Fine Cork Portugal (old) / bolso de corcho
- scarf, charity shopped (old) / bufanda, de tienda solidaria Cáritas
Este es el segundo par de pantalones denim que he encontrado, estos son más oscuros, más cortos y con cintura alta, que sí que me gusta. Tienen un acabado metálico dorado o bronce, así que les he añadido mi chaquetita de lentejuelas. Animando el viernes A Tope. - wool jacket-coat, clearance sale (old) / chaqueta-abrigo de lana, de liquidación outlet
- t-shirt, C&A (old) / camiseta
- neckerchief, vintage / pañuelo al cuello, vintage Wish you a fabulous weekend!
Espero que tengáis un estupendo fin de semana.
I used to wear jeans a lot but hardly wear them anymore. I still have one pair hanging around - high waisted, which I too prefer - but haven't worn them in years. However, if I find a nice pair of flares, I don't think I'd say no.
ResponderEliminarAs I love a darker denim, the outfits with your second pair are my favourites. Although I can't wait to see how you'll embellish that ripped pair! Denim and red seem to be made for each other, so these are all perfect combos in my eyes. That photo of you sitting in your comfortable chair reading, with your feet out on the terrace, made me smile. Lovely to catch a bit of fresh air and sunshine! Have a fab Saturday evening and Sunday Monica! xxx
I'm certain you will improve the rips into a work of art!
ResponderEliminarAfter years of avoiding them I'm embracing the jeans again! Both pairs fit you really well, you were lucky to find both. I know that the ripped ones will look brilliant with a Monica makeover.
ResponderEliminarGreat choice in books ! I loved Loved Clothes Last! xxx
You look fabulous in your new jeans! I know exactly what you mean about the rips; I had a pair and my knees got so cold I re-donated them...the sashiko embroidery sounds like a brilliant idea and will look wonderful on the boyfriend cut jeans.
ResponderEliminarI really like the turn-up jeans with the striped top and that lovely metallic wool cardigan; such a good combination on you. Jeans are very versatile garments as you say and I could quite happily wear them everyday...
Have a great week
I prefer the non-ripped jeans - the darker wash ones are so much more interesting to me. I love both stylings, though!
ResponderEliminarPues ,yo te veo súper mona!!!! A mi si me gustan los dos vaqueros
ResponderEliminarlike sheila i do prefer the darker jeans here - they are much more fashionabel and (IMHO) suit you better. although the artsy mending will make the h&m ones fashionable too.
ResponderEliminarbut - im not a jeans person either. i´m not even a trouser person actually - and never was. even in my childhood, when everyone wore corduroy or denim jeans and elegant fabric trousers for evenings and occasions.....