This is not my favourite time of the year, but I'm trying my best to deal with it. I've been walking in the city parks almost daily, which helps to shake any bad mood. And I'm planning a travel, because having a winter holiday makes a difference. I did not do it before (could not, actually), until a few years ago, and I'm still feeling amazed and privileged. This is my own way to celebrate!
Hemos tenido una semana soleada, pero estuvimos a bajo cero cada mañana, así que la sensación es contradictoria, ya que se siente un poco más primaveral, pero en realidad estamos en el medio mismo del invierno. De todos modos es para celebrar que ya se acerca la primavera.
Esta época del año no me agrada especialmente, pero me las arreglo para animarme. Salgo a caminar casi cada día por los parques, que siempre sacude las telarañas. Y estamos planeando un viaje, porque tomarse unas vacaciones en medio del invierno cambia todo. No lo pude hacer hasta hace unos años y es algo que todavía me alucina (y me siento privilegiada). Hay que celebrar todo!.

It was really cold on Monday morning, so I wore this wool skirt and added a jacket over my striped tshirt. A classic combo that I've worn many times. Skirt by Escada was acquired at Sunday street market (pre-loved!), same as jacket. Most of my striped t-shirts came from CandA (they last decades). Red sneakers by Adidas (local outlet) years ago. Coat was shopped retail (label Sophiacurvy). Brooch was a present by Mom. Nekclace from a charity market, years ago.
La mañana del lunes fue muy fría, así que me puse esta falda de lana y también una chaqueta. La falda es de Escada y, al igual que la chaqueta, es de segunda mano, del mercadillo. La camiseta de rayas es del CandA, como casi todas las que tengo (duran décadas). Zapatillas de Adidas (outlet) de hace años. Abrigo de tienda local (marca Sophiacurvy). El broche fue un regalo de mamá. Collar de un mercadillo solidario, de hace años.
That colourful 'folkish' skirt started its life as a (ridiculously uncomfortable) tunic and was revamped on October 2009. Which means it has been in my wardrobe for almost fourteen years!, it has accompanied my evolution from darker hues to a more colourful style and mixed patterns. Sometimes it's amazing to look back and notice this evolution.
Reincidente de nuevo, repetí ropa muy similar al día siguiente, en la misma combinación de colores. Aunque cambié alguna cosa, la chaqueta de punto es de LaRedoute de hace años, y medias de Snag (color Midnight)
La faldita estilo folk en principio era una túnica, incomodísima, que reformé allá por octubre del 2009 (viene bien tener un blog!). Así que lleva en mi armario casi catorce años, y ha acompañado mi evolución desde entonces, desde tonos más oscuros hasta un estilo más colorido y variado. 2009Oct - 2009Dec - 2010Jan - 2010Mar - 2010Nov - 2011Jan - 2012Mar - 2013Jan - 2014Dec - 2016Jan - 2018Jan - 2018Nov - 2021Nov - 2022Dec
I felt like welcoming any springlike vibes on Wednesday, so wore my massive flower skirt. Its vitaminic colours never fail to cheer me up (Jan2022). Despite the sunshine, it was another cold morning (below zero) so I picked my (pre-loved) shearling coat. Being sensible.
Both skirt and cardi are pre-loved pieces and they came from Sunday street market, only in different occasions. Turtle-neck by LaRedoute (old). Brooch acquired at a bric-a-brac shop. Sneakers by Reebok outlet (old). Scarf was a present. Cork bag by Fine Cork Portugal.
El miércoles me pareció que era hora de dar la bienvenida a la promesa de la primavera, así que me puse esta falda con una flor enorme que siempre me anima. Aunque hacía sol, fue otra mañana fría, bajo cero, así que me puse el abrigo de piel vuelta (de segunda mano), muy prudentement.
La falda y la chaquetita punto son de segunda mano, del mercadillo, pero de diferentes ocasiones. Cuello vuelto de La Redoute. El broche del puesto de un chamarilero. Zapatillas Reebok outlet. El pañuelo fue un regalo. Bolso de corcho de Fine Cork Portugal. We went for a walk and ran errands on Thursday evening, so I wore something comfy. I had a gift voucher from my work to be spent at a sports center. Finally we made the most of it, I got a new pair of sneakers and Mr.A. got a pair of sport trousers. So strange to visit a sports center ;D
The floral tunic is actually a beach cover, acquired at Sunday street market in July, but I've kept it in my wardrobe for the winter season (see it previously here). Skirt and tights by Snag. Sneakers by Adidas outlet. Bag by Emily The Strange (ages ago).
El jueves salimos a hacer recados, así que me puse bastante cómoda. Tenía un cheque regalo de mi trabajo para una tienda de deportes, y me compré unas zapatillas para aprovecharlo. Normalmente las compro en una tiendecita local que vende outlets.
La túnica floral es en realidad la típica prenda de ir a la playa, y la compré en el mercadillo en julio, pero la he dejado colgada en mi armario en el invierno (anteriormente aquí). Falda y mediad de Snag. Zapatillas de Adidas outlet. Bolso de Emily The Strange, de hace siglos. Totally into a Fancy Friday mood myself. That dress has been neglected for some years, particularly because it didn't fit me anymore. Great news I can wear it again. Better than new, obviously!.
Dress by Asos (shopped in Nov2011, eleven years ago!), tights by Snag, short sleeved cardi by Evans (old) and turtleneck by LaRedoute (old). Sneakers and coat as before.
It has been a kind of thematic week. I watched the documentary Agatha Christie: Lucy Worsley on the Mistery Queen. I loved some Lucy Worsley's documentaries previously and found this one entertaining and well done, even if I was not particularly interested in Agatha Christie's life. Then we watched See How They Run a comedy mistery film around the play The Mousetrap, really lovely if you fancy a classic whodunit.
El viernes estaba de humor de arreglarme y me puse este vestido que llevaba años sin ponerme, sobre todo porque no me entraba. Así que muy contenta de ponérmelo, ¡mejor que nuevo!
El vestido es de Asos y lo compré allá por Nov2011 hace once años!. Medias de Snag, chaquetita de Evans (antigüita también) y cuello vuelto LaRedoute. Zapatillas y abrigo como arriba.
Esta semana ha sido un tanto temática, ya que empecé viendo un documental sobre la vida de Agatha Christie y luego una peli de misterio que se sitúa durante una representación de la famosa obra de Agatha Christie, La Ratonera, en los años 50 Mira cómo corren (muy entretenida si te gusta el género de 'quién lo hizo?'). Have a fabulous week!
Having a Winter Sun holiday to look forward to makes these cold,dark days so much more bearable, don't they? I agree about the walking, too - an instant mood enhancer.
ResponderEliminarI'm loving your orange eyeshadow, you've inspired me to use some of the more neglected colours in my palettes rather than the usual brown. Your outfits are always fabulous, that folksy tunic-cum-skirt is brilliant, it looks completely different every time you wear it.
Thanks for the viewing recommendations. I bet I'd enjoy Lucy Worsley's documentary, too - even though I'm not always interested in the subject, her enthusiasm is contagious! xxx
You look like Spring itself with all the lovely vibrant and colourful outfits. The folk skirt is amazing and how versatile in the many ways you've styled it. I loved your floral print dress at the end and the blue skirt outfit was fabulous, too.
ResponderEliminarI've watched that Lucy Worsley documentary and seen the same film (we went to the cinema to see it) and thoroughly enjoyed both of them.
I hope your weather warms up soon - the blue skies in the photos make it look like summer!
Like spending time outside whenever the weather allows, your colourful outfits are always such a mood booster!
ResponderEliminarI'm so glad that - not unlike me! - you evolved from darker hues to lots of colour. My favourites this time are the outfit built around the massive flower skirt, and the outfit based on the no longer neglected Asos dress!
I absolutely love Lucy Worsley! Apart from having watched many of her documentaries and series, I loved her young adult book My Name is Victoria, which is about Queen Victoria's childhood, but with a twist! xxx
totally love the evolution of the beautiful printed skirt!
ResponderEliminarwell done to use the un-comfy tunics fabric for such a versatile skirt. it makes every outfit special - anyway if its other components are muted or bright.
i too love a "statement" skirt.
your cold weather has arrived here too - we have -10°C nights and days around zero - but dry and sunny.
stay warm! xxxx
With all of those beautiful, bright, and colourful clothing, you remind me of the season of spring. The folk skirt is incredible, and it's incredible how versatile it can be in the many different ways that you've fashioned it. The dress with the flowery print that you wore at the end was beautiful, and I also thought the ensemble with the blue skirt was fantastic.
ResponderEliminarNew post:
I’m a Lucy Worsley fan too, but since last week we are without UK tv., and I wonder how you manage to see it???
ResponderEliminarWe used to see it through Transponder, but the servers are down……….
Anticipated thanks for your reply.
Pauline in Madrid,
I've watched some BBC documentaries in Movistar platform. Not Uk tv, sorry. The only option is install some VPN but it sounds too complicated for me!. I'd like to have that Britbox platform, but it's not suitable for europe!, so annoying!
Hi Monica, well, I don’t have Movistar!! I’ve heard about VPN but not sure about it, and there are other UKtv platforms out there, but I’m looking for a reliable one…….. thanks so much for replying, besos.
ResponderEliminarI always love to see how a garment has been worn over the years - that's a great skirt. I love your new-now-it-fits dress - so pretty with the roses. I finished watching "Wednesday" and just loved all the style in it - a very fun show!
ResponderEliminarI forgot to say, what a lovely brooch from your mum!