martes, 20 de agosto de 2024

Repeat, please

August is one of my less favourite months of the year, but I'm managing it better than usual because of the weather being not particularly awful (the heatwaves are shorter this year and most days are just 'normal summer' weather days, 30-35ºC). So we can stay outdoors, which totally makes a difference. Most days I've gone to the swimming pool (lido) after work, we could run errands in the evenings (without melting ourselves), and we even went for a walk on Thursday morning, making the most of a holiday bank!

Agosto es de los meses que menos me gusta, pero me lo estoy tomando mejor de lo habitual porque el tiempo no está siendo especialmente horrible este año (las olas de calor han sido más cortas y la mayoría de días tenemos tiempo de 'verano normal' de 30-35ºC). Así que se puede estar al aire libre, y andar por ahí, y eso sí que contribuye a tener un mejor ánimo. La mayoría de días he ido a la piscina después del trabajo, hemos salido también a hacer recados por la tarde sin derretirnos, e incluso salimos a caminar el jueves por la mañana, aprovechando que era festivo.

I started the week wearing a new-to-me dress from Vinted (label Toscane). I'm quite picky about which is really 'second hand' in those apps, as many people are just re-sellers in disguise (don't judge them, but they're not my cup of tea). I'm very happy with that dress, it's a lightweight viscose and perfect for our last heatwave. Sandals by Chiruca (old). Fake turquoise pendant was a present. Earrings by MateriaRica (retail).

Empecé la semana con este vestido nuevo-para-mí de Vinted (marca Toscane). Me estoy volviendo un poco quisquillosa con lo de 'segunda mano' en estas aplicaciones, porque hay muchos vendedores que no son particulares sino negocios de reventa (no los juzgo, pero no son lo que yo busco). Estoy contenta con este vestido, es de viscosa ligerísimo, estupendo para la ola de calor. Sandalias de Chiruca (antigüitas). Colgante de falsa turquesa, un regalo. Pendientes marca MateriaRica (de una tienda local).
Totally in a 'repeat offender' mood those days when we went through Heatwave #3. I wore again my 'lockdown patchwork' dress (sewed by me, its name explains everything!), a massive pendant by a local artisan and a massive hat (retail). I didn't remove my 'pool bag' when took my photo as I prefer to keep things Real!. Straw bag by Etsy (years ago). Sandals by Wonders (old).

Modo reincidente total para los días de ola de calor, mismos vestidos una y otra vez. Este vestido es de costura propia (lo hice durante el confinamiento, y no creo que tenga tiempo ni paciencia para patchwork otra vez), el colgante es de una artesana local, y el sombrero enorme es de una tiendecita. Ni siquiera quité la bolsa de la piscina de la foto, para que todo sea real como la vida misma. El bolsito de paja es de Etsy, de hace años. Sandalias Wonders (antigüitas).
Another 'office to pool' dress, it came from Sunday street market (second hand). Same massive hat and some Chiruca sandals again. I was not particularly happy with this dress, as it's too oversized and didn't feel it, so it was sold in Vinted (now it's travelling to a new home).

Otro vestido 'de la oficina a la piscina', que vino del mercadillo del domingo (es de segunda mano). Mismo sombrero y sandalias Chiruca de nuevo. No me entusiasmaba este vestido, me está demasiado grande y nunca me ha encajado del todo, así que lo vendí en Vinted (ahora debe estar viajando a su nuevo hogar)
I was looking forward to wearing that cardi I crocheted using most of my leftovers (I do love that pattern!). Obviously, it came as a colourful piece!. And I wore it with more colourful clothes!. That massive flower skirt was made of a second hand dress. Green top by LaREdoute (old). Sandals by Chiruca. Pendant was charity shopped. Earrings were retail shopped at Eme. And those new-to-me sunnies were a birthday present from my friend M.

Estaba deseando estrenar esta chaquetita que me hice en ganchillo usando muchos sobrantes (me encanta este patrón). Evidentemente, el resultado es coloridísimo. Y además me lo puse con ropas aún más coloridas. La falda de la flor enorme está hecha de un vestido de segunda mano. Top verde de LaRedoute. Sandalias Chiruca. Collar de un mercadillo solidario. Pendientes de tienda local Eme.
More crochet and more repeat offenders. That skirt was made of a second hand dress (I always keep my eyes open for any maxi dress, even those with wobbly/ugly tops, because they can be revamped easily). So I have a collection of maxi skirts which were previously second hand dresses. And I've redone the lapels of that cardi-vest as I was not happy with them (that's a great advantage of making your own cardis). Top was sewed by me ages ago. Those beads were charity shopped and the necklace was retail shopped, years ago.

Más ganchillo y más reincidentes!. La falda la hice con un vestido de segunda mano (siempre estoy atenta a los vestidos largos, aunque el top esté feo, porque se pueden reformar muy fácilmente). Así que tengo una colección de faldas largas que fueron anteriormente vestidos. También he rehecho las solapas de esta chaqueta de ganchillo porque no me gustaban (es la gran ventaja de hacerte tus propias chaquetas!). El top de cuadritos lo cosí yo hace siglos. Collar de bolitas de una tienda solidaria y collar corto de una tienda local, todo de hace años.
Stormy weather for a change!. I even wore a rain jacket which was very weather appropriate. Massive flower skirt was acquired at Sunday street market (second hand). Top by Festa (ages old). That necklace was charity shopped years ago. Adidas sneakers (outlet).

Tormentas y lluvia para variar!. Hasta me puse una chaqueta impermeable, muy apropiada para el tiempo que hacía. La falda de la flor enorme vino del mercadillo del domingo, de segunda mano. Top de Festa de hace siglos. El collar es de tienda solidaria también de hace años. Zapatillas Adidas.
Last but not least, I wore a pre-loved (Vinted, again!) dress on Saturday morning for a walk with Mr.A. and groceries shopping. I watched this hat at a shop window, when we were running errands, and had to buy it (at a heavy discount!). I'm becoming a dresses and hats lady this summertime!. Not a bad plan as both are comfy and make me feel fresh. My 'Heatwave Capsule' has expanded!

Dejando lo nuevo para el final, el sábado por la mañana me puse este vestido nuevo-para-mí (Vinted, otra vez!) para dar una vuelta con Mr.A. y hacer la compra semanal. Mientras hacíamos recados, ví este sombrero en un escaparate y tuve que comprarlo (el descuento era buenísimo). Este verano me está dando fuerte por los vestidos y sombreros. Y no es mal plan, porque ambos son fresquitos y cómodos y dan un toque. Al fin, la ropa que tenía para las olas de calor ha experimentado una mejora y ahora tengo más opciones!
Have a fabulous week!

5 comentarios:

  1. August isn't one of my favourite months either - I much prefer September - but your "normal" temperatures of 30-35°C are already way too hot for me! I'm glad to hear you are able to stay relatively cool by going to the lido after work and running your errands in the evening.
    That first lightweight viscose dress is my favourite this time, although I was glad to see your massive flower skirt(s) pop up here as well. Your final dress is a stunner as well. I'm glad you were able to expand your heatwave capsule!
    Wishing you a fabulous week too, Monica! Mil besos xxxx

  2. The UK weather in August is usually rather disappointing - although I love the month itself - but it's been quite warm and dry this year, for a change.
    I'm loving all your outfit, your first Vinted dress is lovely and your new hat is fabulous. Swimming is my favourite activity, I can't wait until I can swim in the sea again! xxx

  3. Such lovely, cool, colourful dresses! They're perfect for the hot days and easy to slip on and off at the pool. Love the new to you Vinted dresses and the new hat. Both crochet tops are fabulous and it's interesting you got to wear them in August. Wet and cool here today but warm enough for a cotton maxi skirt!

  4. dear monica - thank you for your huge catch up with lots of lovely comments @moi..... :-D
    both new to you dresses are fabulous in cut, print and colours! and i´m still a fan of your patchwork dress! and of the new chic crochet piece!!
    is that midi skirt with the big flower the sister of the maxi one - only in different colours?
    cool new hat!

  5. Quiero decirle señora Allnut que por aca desde muy lejos, unos ojos la observan desde hace años. Que su vestuario me causa envidia y admiracion. Que su blog y el de la señora Vix, cada uno con su estilo propio me fascinan y me sirven de inspiracion. Gracias
