sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2024

Colourful Autumn

We're coming into my favourite part of the Summer (which is usually called Autumn) and I've welcomed some light layering!. It's time for crochet cardis, trenchs and jackets in the chilly mornings, but still sandals weather in the evenings. Lots of possibilities.

Ahira estamos llegando a mi parte favorita del verano, ¡el otoño!. Así que es el momento de añadir alguna capa, alguna superposición en forma de chaquetitas de ganchillo, gabardinas y americanas para las mañanas fresquitas, pero todavía llevando sandalias por la tarde. Me encanta el entretiempo!
That's a favourite outfit for shoulder seasons, comfy and colourful!. Massive flower skirt was made of a second hand dress. Blouse was self sewed, years ago. Colourful crochet cardi by myself (pattern by Katie Jones. Sneakers by Adidas (outlet). Straw bag was a retail shop.

Este es uno de mis conjuntos favoritos de entretiempo, cómodo y colorido. La falda de la flor enorme salió de un vestido de segunda mano, hace años. Chaqueta de ganchillo, con patrón de Katie Jones. Zapatillas de Adidas (outlet). Bolso de paja de una tienda local.
And that's another crochet cardi (I've becoming addicted to them)!, which was recently finished. Actually I undone a pink cardi that I crocheted ages ago to make something different. It's one of the best things of knitting/crocheting, as you can recycle same materials almost forever.

Y esta es otra chaquetita de ganchillo, quizás sean ya demasiadas!. Esta la acabé hace poco, pero es una remodelación de una que ya tenía, la rehice por completo. Es una ventaja del punto y el ganchillo, los materiales se reciclan una y otra vez, las veces que haga falta.
More crochet and a New Piece in my wardrobe: that neon trench-thing was retail shopped last week and worn the next day. Totally the kind of layering piece I was looking for and it was around the corner in a local shop. I wore it with another Repeat Offender, those turquoise trousers (try to repeat it!) and a crochet cardi firstly, then a crochet top next day.

Más ganchillo y una Novedad!: una especie de gabardina Neón que compré en una tienda local la semana pasada. Justo lo que estaba buscando, algo ligero para superposiciones. Y estaba a la vuelta de la esquina en un escaparate!. Lo estrené al día siguiente con otro reincidente, los pantalones turquesa que compré hace tiempo y una chaqueta de ganchillo primero y un top al siguiente día.
I've worn that ensemble many times, it's one of my favourites and everything (except Adidas sneakers) was shopped second hand at Sunday street market.
Este conjunto lo he llevado muchas veces, es uno de mis favoritos y todo (excepto las zapatillas adidas) es de segunda mano del mercadillo.
As soon as Mr.A.'s parents let our home, we had to prepare to attend a wedding!. We stayed in a beautiful rural house, that we shared with other wedding guests. So funny to share previous day dinner and wedding day breakfast with so lovely people and my friend M. (the mother of the groom). More pictures to come as soon as I get them!
Have a fabulous weekend!

3 comentarios:

  1. Your crochet items are so beautiful-I can see why you love them. The blue trousers look stylish and comfortable. Overnight wedding sounds like fun.

  2. Autumn is my favourite part of Summer too :-) and my Autumn wardrobe is my favourite of all.
    Your first outfit is my favourite here. I've always loved your massive flower skirt and that crochet cardi is one of my favourites of yours too. I totally get why you are getting addicted to them!
    The neon trench-thing is the perfect addition to your wardrobe and the rural house you stayed in looks very idyllic!
    Mil besos xxx

  3. You're so colourful - I love it! What a lovely place for a wedding!
