martes, 4 de febrero de 2025

Winter Blues

The weather is obviously a great conversation starter these days, as storms named Herminia and Ivo both brought winds and rain (fortunately, no floods). Not great damages here in my neck of the woods so we count ourselves lucky!. Only that I had to quit walking near the river banks because of the strong winds (not a great idea to walk under the trees those days), and we've stayed at home most days (not a bad plan!).
Estos días hablar del tiempo es la conversación habitual, con las borrascas Herminia y luego Ivo trayéndonos lluvias y viento (aunque afortunadamente sin inundaciones por aquí, una suerte!). Sólo que he tenido que dejar los paseos por el parque de la ribera del río durante los días de viento fuerte, ya que no es buena idea andar bajo los árboles. Así que nos hemos quedado en casa muchos días que, por otro lado, es un plan excelente.
That was what I wore on Saturday morning to go for a walk with Mr.A.. And obviously we also did our (now weekly) groceries shopping and then had our apéro and social life time.

Aquí estoy el sábado por la mañana, saliendo a dar una vuelta con Mr.A., y luego yendo a hacer la compra (ahora semanal) al mercado y después a tomar el vermú. Una vida intensa.

Winter Is For Colour!, so I picked a colourful outfit to start my workweek last Monday. I had not felt the supposed bad vibes of previous week Blue Monday. (As a note, blue has not any negative connotation in spanish, isn't it curious?). And I wore for the first time my new coat, a lightweight puff one by Ulla Popken, in Blue!. I acquired it New, which is never my first choice, but I've not been lucky in my search of a second hand coat, probably too fussy myself.
Dress came from Vinted. Crochet cardi-thing by myself. Necklace was charity shopped. Scarf from an artisan market. Sneakers by Nike (outlet). Tights by Snag (Midnight).

Invierno en Multicolor!. Elegí un conjunto bastante colorido para empezar la semana en el trabajo. Y sin notar en absoluto el efecto del Blue Monday que fue la semana anterior, y que se supone que es tan triste. Lo que no es tampoco nada triste es el abriguito azul que estrené, de Ulla Popken. Lo compré nuevo, aunque es la opción que procuro evitar, pero no he tenido suerte en el mercado de segunda mano (o igual es que soy muy exigente). El vestido es de Vinted. Chaqueta de ganchillo. Collar de una tienda solidaria. Pañuelo de un mercado artesanal. Zapatillas Nike (outlet). Medias Snag (color Midnight).
We had some rainy and windy days, so I was back to crap mirror selfies. I wore my trusty Seasalt coat over a fleece jacket by CandA, as an extra layer was needed. And that's another dress acquired at Vinted (so addictive!). Boots by Northface(outlet).

En los días de más lluvia y viento tuve que volver a las fotos en el espejo, no es lo ideal!. Me puse este abrigo impermeable de Seasalt, sobre una chaqueta polar del CandA, ya que hacía falta otra capa de abrigo. Y con otro vestido de Vinted (es muy adictivo). Botitas de NorthFace outlet.
Repeat offender of the week!. I wore same dress and same coat twice in a row (which is totally normal in my book). Orange cardi was acquired second hand at Sunday street market. Boots were retail shopped. Tights by Snag. Black turtleneck by LaRedoute (old). Necklace was charity shopped.

Reincidente de la semana!. Me puse el mismo vestido y abrigo dos veces seguidas (totalmente normal, según mi opinión). Chaquetita naranja de segunda mano, del mercadillo del domingo. Botas de una tienda local. Medias Snag. Cuello vuelto negro de LaREdoute (old). Collar de una tienda solidaria.
Another repeat offender, as I picked a similar colour combo to match my new coat. Impossible to resist the hotpink appeal!. That beret came from a retail shop. Those (vintage) sunnies were a present by my friend M. and I took them to my optical store for prescription glasses. That dress was acquired second hand at eBay years ago. Blue turtleneck by LaRedoute (old). Fuchsia fleece jacket by CandA (ages old). Tights by Snag. Sneakers by Skechers (outlet).

De nuevo reincidente, ya que elegí otra vez esta combinación de colores con el abrigo azul nuevo. Porque es imposible no elegir de nuevo el rosa fuerte!. La boina es de una tiendecita local. Las gafas de sol (vintage) fueron un regalo de una amiga, y las llevé a la óptica para ponerles cristales graduados. El vestido es de segunda mano, de eBay hace años. Cuello vuelto azul de LaRedoute. Chaqueta fucsia de CandA, antigüita. Medias Snag. Zapatillas Skechers (outlet).
Have a fabulous week!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Colourful and fabulous as ever! I'm glad the storms didn't cause too much damage. We had three in a week and i'm hoping that's the last of them for a while! xxx

  2. I know, these grey, rainy and windy days aren't conductive to making outfit photos, but your mirror selfies aren't crap at all. You should see mine - which are so bad they never make it to my blog :-)
    Winter is For Colour indeed, and I keep wishing that more people embraced colour like you do! Fabulous outfits, as always, and I think the blue puffer coat is a good investment! Mil besos xxx

  3. It doesn't matter how many 'repeat offenders' you wear they always looks so fabulous! Loved the new coat and the Vinted dresses. I stay away from Vinted now until I need something...glad to hear the storms didn't bring floods this time. I bought myself a 'new to me' long quilted blue coat for dog walking; it's the warmest coat I've ever owned!
