domingo, 23 de marzo de 2025

Time Wrap Again

Despite not feeling my best last weeks, I managed to get things done and had some social life too!. We're making the most of longer days and sunny spells, even if it's cold and rainy most days. I'll take you two weeks ago, when I went for a walk and ran errands on Sunday morning. I also visited my friend M. for a chat&crafts evening at her home, we painted some textiles and had tea and biscuits.

Aunque no he estado en plena forma en las últimas semanas, he seguido haciendo cosas e incluso teniendo vida social, aprovechando que los días son más largos y va haciendo un poquito de sol de vez en cuando. Aunque hemos tenido un tiempo frío y lluvioso casi todo el rato. Y ahora vamos con el salto temporal, hasta hace dos semanas, cuando salí a pasear y al mercadillo del Domingo. Y luego también visité a mi amiga M. para pasar una tarde entretenidas pintando ropa y tomando té y galletitas y charlando mucho, claro!.
Dress from Vinted. Snag Tighs. Sneakers by Nike outlet. Crochet cardi-net. Puff coat by Ulla Popken. Scarf by Alpagamonde.

Vestido de Vinted. Medias Snag. Zapatillas de Nike outlet. Chaqueta-red de ganchillo. Acolchado de Ulla Popken. Pañuelo de Alpagamonde.
Another dress by Vinted. Turtleneck was retail shopped. Snag Tights. Camper shoes. Trench by Seasalt (old)

Otro vestido de Vinted. Cuello vuelto de una tienda local. Medias Snag. Zapatos Camper. Abrigo impermeable de Seasalt.
Vintage 80's dress. Crochet cardi-vest. Snag Tights (Bettafish Colour). Sneakers by Skechers outlet. Lightweight puff coat by Ulla Popken. Usual cork bag by Fine Cork Portugal.

Vestido vintage de los 80. Chaqueta-chaleco de ganchillo. Medias Snag (color Bettafish). Zapatillas Skechers outlet. Abrigo ligero de Ulla Popken. El habitual bolso de corcho de Fine Cork Portugal.

Next day Mr.A. drove me to a medical appointment and then we collected a side table from owner (contacted through a second-hand website) on a windy and cold Thursday. It's just a small side table to put a cup of tea and a book when we sit on our sofa, and it substitutes another one from Ikea which was too low. Amazingly, we have had our Ikea side table for twenty years and it's still in good condition so it was donated to a coworker. Fast fashion made slow.

Al día siguiente Mr.A. me acompañó a una cita médica y luego fuimos a recoger una mesa auxiliar, adquirida a través de una página de compra-venta, a casa del vendedor. Es una mesita para poner junto al sofá y dejar una taza o un libro o revistas, y sustituye a otra mesita del Ikea, demasiado baja, que hemos tenido veinte años y que regalé a una compañera de trabajo. Haciendo durar la moda rápida!.
Finally, I wore same dress twice in a row, totally a Repeat Offender, as I wore similar outfits previously. That striped dress was shopped at CandA sales. Fuchsia turtleneck was retail shopped. Snag Tights (Anemone Colour). Sneakers by Adidas outlet. Retail shopped coat (years ago). Crochet cardi. Charity shopped necklace.

Finalmente, me puse el mismo vestido dos veces seguidas, totalmente Reincidente, y además es algo que ya me he puesto varias veces antes. El vestido de rayas es de rebajas del CandA. Cuello vuelto fucsia vino de alguna tiendecita. Medias Snag (color Anemone). Zapatillas de Adidas outlet. Abrigo de una tienda local, de hace ya años. Chaqueta ganchillo. Collar de una tienda solidaria.
It has taken ages to find somebody who could move that bureau from Mom's home (most removal companies not even considered it), but finally I found (actually, my friend M. did) a mover who did it on a budget!. And now this (quite posh) piece of furniture is in my crafty corner, and I'm extremely happy with it. Not only I feel quite attached to it, as it was acquired specially for me when I was a teenager, but it's also practical to keep my things tidy!

Ha costado trabajito encontrar quien me hiciera la mudanza de este buró desde la casa de mi madre (la mayoría de empresas ni se molestan por algo tan pequeño) pero finalmente encontré (bueno, lo encontró mi amiga M.) un profesional que hizo el traslado y muy económico. Y ahora tengo este mueble tan elegantón en mi rincón y estoy muy contenta, no sólo por cuestión sentimental, ya que este mueble me lo compraron especialmente cuando era adolescente, sino también porque es muy práctico para mantener mis cositas ordenadas.

That was what I wore last Monday, when the weather was cold again so some vitaminic colours were needed to cheer up my day. Orange skirt to the rescue!. That skirt was sewed by me ages ago (its fabric came from Ikea and it was not a unique piece, as I repeated same pattern again and again!). That grey cardi is ages old. Polka dot blouse was a second hand find. Tights by Snag. Sneakers by Adidas outlet. Coat and scarf were retail shopped years ago. Necklace was a present. 'Iris' brooch was retail shopped.

Esto es lo que me puse el pasado lunes, cuando el tiempo volvía a ser frío y se necesitaba un color vitamínico para animar el día. Naranja al rescate!. Esta falda la cosí hace unos años, con tela del Ikea, y no fue la única porque repetí el patrón varias veces. La chaquetita gris es antiquísima. Camiseta de lunaritos de segunda mano. Medias Snag. Zapatillas de Adidas outlet. Abrigo y chal de tiendas locales, hace años. Collar fue un regalo. El broche de 'Iris' es de una mercería.
I've been busy not only decorating my 'crafty corner' but also crafting. Some time ago I was asked by Mr.A. to restore his ebook cover which I did. That cover was still structurally perfect and useful, but its surface was peeling off, so annoying. Now it's mine which is falling apart, so I've just removed any rest and relined the cover with some fabric from my stash. Now we have some cool covers!

He estado ocupada no sólo redecorando el rincón de manualidades, sino también haciendo algunas!. Hace ya un tiempo le hice un arreglo a la carcasa del ebook de Mr.A. que estaba perfecta estructuralmente, y servía, pero la superficie se pelaba toda, qué fastidio!. Y ahora le ha tocado a la mía, que también se estaba pelando, así que le quité todos los restos y luego le pegué un trozo de tela. Así que ahora tenemos fundas chulas, sin coste!
I wore another self-sewed skirt next day, that one was made of a piece of upholstery fabric. Lots of comments about that print!. It was another cold day, so I wore a wool cardi (ages old) and some crochet mittens. Puff coat by Ulla Popken. Boots by NorthFace outlet.

Al día siguiente me puse esta falda, también de costura propia, que hice hace tiempo con una tela de tapicería. Siempre me hacen comentarios sobre el estampado de cómic. Era otro día frío, así que me puse una chaqueta de lana (antigüita) y unos mitones de ganchillo. Abrigo acolchado de Ulla Popken. Botas de NorthFace outlet.

I did some 'shopping in my own wardrobe' and found those bags which were quite neglected. Both are quality pieces, the green one was acquired at a clearance sale decades ago, and the other one was a hand-me-down by Mom. I still love them but their crossbody straps were not my thing anymore. So I took them to the cobbler who created some handles for them. And I still can use them as crossbody bags if I wish, only adding a strap.

También fuí de compras en mi propio armario, y encontré estos bolsos que hacía tiempo que no me ponía, aunque todavía me gustan, pero son bolsos cruzados al hombro y ya no me viene bien. Son piezas de calidad, el verde lo compré en una liquidación y el otro me lo dió mi madre. Así que los llevé al zapatero que me hizo un asa nueva para convertirlos en bolsos de mano. Y puedo seguir usándolos cruzados si les engancho una correa, así que no pierdo nada!
The weather has improved last days, even if still rainy and windy (not the best conditions for taking photos outdoors!). So I wore a summery dress (from Vinted) under my raincoat. Tights by Snag. Shoes by Camper.

El tiempo ha ido mejorando los últimos días, aunque ha seguido lluvioso y con mucho viento, que no es lo mejor para tomar fotos en exteriores. Así que me puse un vestido veraniego de Vinted bajo mi abrigo impermeable. Medias de Snag. Zapatos Camper.
Have a fab week!

3 comentarios:


  2. Fantastic outfits, Monica! There's so much colour, print and texture going on, you're a work of art!
    I loved the peep at your craft corner, you've worked wonders on Mr A's cover and getting the handles made for those bags was an inspired idea, they look like fantastic quality bags and you were right to save them.
    The new side table is great, too! xxx

  3. It's always a joy to see your wonderfully colourful outfits, my favourite this time being the second Vinted dress worn layered over the orange turtleneck. Both the orange skirt and the printed upholstery fabric one caught my attention too.
    Your crafty corner is looking very cozy, and that bureau is absolutely magnificent, well worth the effort and expense f moving it from your Mom's home!
    The e-book cover your crafted is gorgeous and I'm glad you were able to rescue those wonderful bags. A good cobbler is worth his weight in gold! Mil besos xxx
